Reunited With My Disfellowshipped Daughter Today

by skeptic1914 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeptic1914

    Long story short: My daugher was df'd about 7-8 yrs ago. Bitter and resentful toward me, abusive jw ex-husb and the elders that didn't want to listen to her side. Saw her briefly at my younger daughter's wedding in 2003.

    My Mom died last week. My daughter shows up at the burial today. It's only me and my wife.

    My daughter and I were both apprehensive about seeing each other again, not knowing what to expect. What a WONDERFUL time we had together. I showed UNCONDITIONAL love. There were apologies and forgiveness. It was absolutely GREAT.

    I now have a better relationship with her than with my other 2 kids who are active JW but keep their distance from me because they know I don't buy the FDS/GB myth anymore. I am not df'd or da'd however and still go to an occasional mtg.

    I must give all the credit to my wife who doesn't let JW rules dictate her actions.


  • truthsearcher

    Sorry to hear about your mom, but what a wonderful story of reconciliation with your daughter. May you enjoy many years ahead to deepen your love for one another!

  • Mum

    Bless you for doing the right thing. It is wonderful to have an example of a family reunited despite the Watchtower's constant haranguing that leads to loss of natural affection among family members.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    I am so sorry to hear that you had to lose your mother in order to re-connect with your daughter, but it is good that you were able to connect. It shouldn't take such events to accomplish such bonding, but when loved ones are locked within the dictates of a cult, sometimes that is how it works. I wish you and your family all the healing you can get. Hugs! So sorry about the loss of your mom!

  • purplesofa

    Nice you and daughter runited, you have to be just beaming inside.

    So nice for this to happen after the loss of your mother. It will ease the grief.


  • AuntieJane

    Thanks for sharing, what a great reunion; God works in mysterious ways. Your mother's death served a purpose;

    treasure the years ahead with your daughter, there is nothing like family.

    Love AJ

  • sass_my_frass

    Wow, that's amazing. Congratulations! (And commisserations...)

    Don't lose her now mate. Stay in touch.

  • SPAZnik

    I'm glad something good came out of it. :)

  • Amazing


    Excellent news. Given that you and your wife are out of the organization, and one daughter is with you now ... then, in time, the others may follow. Momentum and gravity are on your side.

    Jim Whitney

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    What a comfort this will be to you right now. That's really nice to hear about reconnecting with your daughter. Condolences on your mother.


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