I am the primary companion and caregiver of my elderly parents,78 and 80..I am also disfellowshipped.I was baptised 2 months after I turned 12.got df'd at 31...Now that my parents are really starting to need me,and i am enjoying them as people,the jws are starting the crap about them not being able to associate w/me again..Its really hard to have an intelligent discussion w/a group of people whos basic recourse is "bcz the bible tells me so"...But i really want to be able to care for and enjoy my parents during these final few years that they have left..My father is stepping down as an elder bcz of the turmoil,and also cause hes just getting too old to want to deal w/it..But thats not enough for the dubs...They want total separation...Anyone have any advice or tools that i might be able to use? I know,I know,its awfully tempting to just cheerfully suggest that they kiss my butt,but this is a real issue..I have to find a smart creative way to deal w/it..I know that some of you out there are smart and creative AND have dealt w/issues such as this..I need to hear from ya...like ,could I get my baptism,{at 12 yrs old] annulled? Do the dubs honor legal documents? Thanks in advance for any help.If this dosent work,and do not get to associate w/my parents again bcz the cult forces them,Im going to go to the local paper and offer them an exclusive interview about the issue..I think that people need to know what a terrible and dangerous cult the Jehovahs Witlesses are..Maybe ill even take it further..They have been getting away w/this crap for a long time,and taking advantage of older vulnerable people seems to be a speciality of theirs...Any ideas?...
Need Some Advice...Thanks...
by aquagirl 19 Replies latest social family
You have a scriptural duty and a charge by God to care for you parents. I would say to the brothers who are they to step between you and your duty before God and you parents to care for them?! Simply because you are DF'd does not mean you aren't still responsible for them or before God. Challenge them to show how they can rightly come between you and your parents on this issue.
Thats a good idea,thanks...Will they even talk to me,seeing that I am disfellowshipped?Like I know that some folks say that they are contacted regularly and encouraged to rejoin,but I have never been contacted.
Maybe Ive been lucky,to not have had them at my door bugging me tho....lol
wow..thanks for all of the excellent ideas on the pms...i knew i could get some ideas here....
Madame Quixote
I wonder how much the elders are willing to pay out of their own pockets for a visiting nurse who's not disfellowshipped, as opposed to the free and readily available services of a blood relative? Ask. Give them an estimate for the cost of replacing you. Ask them if the GB will front them the money to replace you? Probably not. They'll lay off, at least for a while, after that, I'm sure.
Madame Quixote
Oh, yeah, and maybe, just maybe, ask a lawyer for some help.
There is a chance that the holy voltures want to make your parents sign away their assets.
get a restraining order against the elders to stop meddling! What do you think? Worth a try!
get a restraining order against the elders to stop meddling!
DING DING DING!!! Right answer!