Is Satan useful to God?

by JH 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Good point Golf! Hard to dispute that one....we can figure out the creator...but not the creation obviously?

  • AlphaOmega

    Good question !

    I don't have the answers and don't profess to either.


    Yin / Yan
    Dark / Light
    Hot / Cold
    Good / Bad

    I guess that the whole thing it is a way of giving a choice.

    If there were no darkness, we would have no choice but to be in the light, sounds great, but we would all be puppets.

    Straying from the orthadox interpretation of the Bible, we are told that "God is Love"; what would that mean if there were nothing but "love" ?

    Wouldn't it be meaningless ?
    Maybe he is searching for meaning in the same way that we are ?

    Maybe for God to actually experience himself "as love", he needed to create something that had the capacity to to be love and to NOT be love.
    That's where we come in. We can be loving, but we can also be the opposite.

    Through us he gets the opportunity to experience himself.

    As NVR said on a thread a while ago... "interconectedness, what does it all mean?"

    My guess is that the whole of creation is like a spider's web:

    God the spider spun the web,
    We are the web - we are each a strand (I am the vine, you are the branches)

    Sitting in the centre of the web, God the spider can sense every little tug on the web, each of our choices is experienced by him as an extension of himself.

    The "devil" is the balance - the thing that allows us to tug the web in a way that does not reflect God.

    Just some thoughts. Not saying I believe it, but some thoughts nevertheless.

  • eclipse

    Maybe he was a favourite son,

    and that is why god was lenient with him by allowing him to walk the earth, and gave him the priviledges of testing job, and testing jesus.

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