Lawsuits and WT's exit from Brooklyn

by compound complex 36 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • bebu

    Really, the WTS could afford it. They take in quite a lot even yet. It's just that they see any loss of money to a rank-and-file JW as unacceptable, so they refuse to put it into their budget.

    The folks at Bethel are definitely entitled to being covered by workman's comp--in NY and any state they might try to move HQ to.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I see the WTS slowly exiting from the United States. When the liability overshadows
    the cost of "free" labor, they will pay to have the stuff printed, or they will stop being
    a printing company in the USA. Shipping their presses to Central America or elsewhere
    can't be that difficult. I think that's the way to go.

    Also, to minimize this problem, they will keep drilling into the heads of JW's not to
    sue your brothers or the organization. If you do something for them, and get hurt, accept
    that it was your fault. That's what they will say.

    As long as they can put the fear of displeasing God into the minds of followers, most will
    stay in line. A pull-out from the USA will only come about because lawyers take the matter
    out of rank-and-file's hands and the state/feds declare that WTS must compensate their

  • HappyDad

    Dr. (Sister) Upton said...................

    “We don’t have a spiritual conflict,” said Upton, who has moved with her husband to Washington State.

    “Our problem all along has been medical-legal. We are still active Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

    I'd have this to say to Dr. Upton.........

    My dear Dr. Upton. See what I have highlighted in yellow? Well my dear Dr. Upton, you committed a serious no-no against your "mother". You violated what they always told you not to. You sued them! They won't come right out and say....."how dare you?", but from now on, you will be watched through a magnifying glass and they will jump for joy once they catch you saying or doing the least thing that offends someone. If you haven't already been.....because of your will eventually be accused of causing divisions or be viewed as bad association.

    Hey Doc,

    We can't wait until you start posting here on JWD.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks Friends for your thoughts. While JWD was offline [at least for me] I scoured other sites, like and found much information on the Society's deception, lies and their deserting the sheep when in dire circumstances. No wonder the origin of the term "Satan's Witnesses." Not sure if I spelled out the address correctly (from memory).


  • IronClaw
    "It'll pretty much put religious orders out of business,"
    Miller said. "It would certainly impact whether we
    would ever want to continue operations" in NY.

    Isn't it always about "Business". Money, money and more money.

    The Claw.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Yes, The Claw - ALWAYS about money. While not directly related to this topic, the reference I made to wtobserver's website stated how the WT draws up legal documents to show that they have a policy in place (as in cases of sexual abuse). Yet the elders - it is claimed - are given verbal instruction that contradicts the written. The upshot is that elders are skewered either way. The Society can claim their instructions were not followed; therefore, the elders are hung out to dry, meaning that they - the elders - can be sued but NOT the Society. The bottom line is money. The GB has no love for the sheep and their shepherds.


  • compound complex
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Friends,

    A good day to all and especially to you dear mothers.
    Do you have any thoughts or current information regarding the possibility/probability of the Watchtower's exit from Brooklyn? Your comments are appreciated.


  • garybuss
    WT lawyer John Miller commented that this decision could set a precedent in requiring religious entities to pay millions of dollars in insurance payments and premiums on behalf of their "employees." [The Society claims that Bethelites are volunteers.]

    "It'll pretty much put religious orders out of business," Miller said. "It would certainly impact whether we would ever want to continue operations" in NY.

    So it seems clear that Mr. John Miller has confirmed that the ONLY reason the Watch Tower Society was in business in New York was their assumption that they were immune from taking care of their workers or paying judgement claims.

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    "It'll pretty much put religious orders out of business," Miller said ...

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