Cicuit Overseer and District Overseer came looking for me today............

by RULES & REGULATIONS 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rabbit

    Tell them you're sick, really sick.

    When they say, aww...just sit & talk for a minute ?

    Excuse yourself to the restroom and: Swallow some Syrup of Ipecac... (a substance you can get a a pharmacy, used to induce vomiting) come back and vomit all over the table, literature, their suits and the carpet.

    I'm pretty sure they'll listen to you next time.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Rabbit, that is an excellent suggestion!!!! I had a girl throw up all over my shoes yesterday. I was at work, sitting in my small room, working on a patient, when little sister kept complaining of her stomach hurting. As she is walking between my chair, and the sink, she started in. The first hurl, took me by surprise. I turned to look, just in time for the second larger wave. Chunks were everywhere!!! About 3+ feet in diameter. Including my shoes. I couldn't move. I was trapped in all directions. I chose not to wheel my chair through the sea of #$@^^&. I was able to reach for the trash can. I had to literally lean out to reach her, to catch the following waves, holding the rectangle can long ways to reach her.

    Could she have done it in the sink??? Guess not. Could she have reached the trash can??? Guess not. Did the mother help me???? NO. She was too busy holding the childs hair, as she hurled on my floor.

    I softly yelled, "I need help!!". My boss came, held the trash can, so I could raise my patient up, so I could free myself in that direction. Thank God I had a mask on. My boss cleaned up the large chunks, I was gagging, but kept cleaning. Mom and children, watched me;

    Wipe up the rest by hand

    Wash with water by hand

    Wash with Pine Sol 2 times by hand

    Spray and mop with wood floor shine.

    She never offered to help, and the only half apology she made was "I just hated that Dr. had to clean SOME of it up" My shoes are shot, and my car even stinks now.

    Sorry but I had to share. So, Yes Rabbit has a great solution. And aim for shoes, or even higher. Leave an impression.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Hell, I just thought, They are CO and DO. What the hell do you care!!! They are just passing through. They have your name on a piece of paper. As soon as they move on, that piece of paper will go into the trash, or recorded on another piece of paper, that you could not be got a hold of. BIG DEAL. They will move on, next week.

  • brinjen

    I remember when I first stopped going, a few months later the Elders came by for one of their shepharding interrogations. A male worldly friend happened to be visiting me at the time. I answered the door and after a few minutes of their loving tactics my friend came up to the door, gave me a hug and said "honey when am I getting that blow job you promised?". The look on their faces was PRICELESS! I politely excused myself and closed the door in their faces before they could see me laughing.

    I wouldn't go to their meeting, they know they are losing their power over you and they are trying to get it back. Don't give it back to them.

  • blondie

    After taking all these steps to get out of the sh*t, why jump back . Keep on moving on and out. I make sure I never get in a position to talk to a CO, DO, elder, brother, "mature" sister, etc.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Avoid talking to them - don't discuss any reasons why youre not going and never return their phone calls.

    daniel-p's suggestion is a very good one. I am just at the beginning of no meetings. This is my
    plan. If you don't progress your fade, you aren't really fading.

    If your feelings are that you have to go slow, then fine. Still set goals to progress your fade.

    I am skipping out on the Circuit assembly this weekend. While I haven't been to the hall in over
    a month, this will be a red flag. Still, it shouldn't change anything as long as I avoid the elders and
    don't tell anyone a real reason for skipping the assembly. " I just needed a break. Let's not talk about
    it. You missed me, I missed you too."

    Moshe's idea to just be there, go to the bathroom, leave sick. Nice idea.

  • NotaNess

    Go in, but take the vacuum cleaner to your neck a few times and leave some choice hickies blaring out at them while they're talking to you.

  • BizzyBee

    Let's see, hickies, vomiting, blow jobs.......................these are examples of the respect earned by the WTS?

  • Sunspot
    I wouldn't bother going. If anyone asks where you were, just tell them you were sick.

    Along the lines of Mary's advice and a few can TELL them you were sick because you ARE sick.....of THEM, the WTS, the meetings, the whole kit and caboodle!

  • Alwayshere
    Why give them the power to control your life? By meeting with them, you are giving them control. Screw them!


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