Several months ago, our son informed us that he has been studying with the JW's (his wife being one), and that he will eventually be joining the BRG (my word, not his...hehehe). Long story short, we were of course devastated and tried to show him the WTS is nothing but a cult masquerading as Christian. But his wife has been putting a lot of pressure on him, and I suspect he would lose her if he doesn't join.
Anyway, he just told us a few days ago that he is accepting another job. This new job will be 8:00 to 5:00 Monday thru Friday. After we hung up, I got to thinking.....hmmm, so when is he going to have time to go door-knocking?? Hmmmmm. I mean, don't the KHs require their members to put in so many hours per week of service? Isn't that how it works? I'm wondering if he's cooled his jets about joining. Do you suppose? Wouldn't that just be WNDERFUL!
Thanks for any thoughts......