A while back I posted some info on Russell's "preaching" tactics. It adds credence to the complaints being made in this document.
A colporteur is out selling the Studies in the Scriptures. He says that at one home he sees they already have the Millenial Dawn books. Redis my comment
Q.What would you do if you were presenting the Studies in Scripture and you saw they had the Millennial Dawn books?
A. I would try to sell the books anyway, because we know it is only prejudice they have.
Now this is bizzare. The Studies series is the same as the Millenial Dawn series. As far as I have seen it is the same book with a different title. To make matters worse, try to sell your books even if they have the other set
Q. How would you answer if they were to ask you—"Is this the same as Millennial Dawn?"
A. I would try to evade the question by asking them—"What does Millennial Dawn teach?" They would doubtless say it taught this and that, etc., which we would know it does not teach. You could then say: "this work does not teach anything like that."
Q. I have sold quite a number of the five-cent volumes where I could not sell the others. In one case a gentleman says, "You are selling these for ten cents, and they are marked five cents on the front." Is it better to sell them for five cents and not get the revenue, or should that be changed so nobody will be inclined to be prejudiced?
A. I would just say the five cents on there is all right. You can send and get as many of those you want at five cents a copy. They are published just at cost price. The five cents is what I am getting for my time in bringing them around. If you stop for a moment and think about it you will see that I could not afford to sell them at five cents.
So the marked price is for naught. Ask double and hope they dont' notice. And then they don't get paid (mentioned earlier) but double the price as their salary for their time - talking out of both sides of the mouth
Q. In delivering a set of books ordered by a lady, I handed her husband the books, and while his wife went in after the money, he says, "Are these books anything like Millennial Dawn?" I said, "This work treats on lines of chronology, etc." I turned him off the track and got the money and went away. After going away I felt a little bad, wondering if I had taken the right course.
A. I think probably we would have to supply in our minds part of what we supposed. We would suppose from the man’s question that he has some prejudice against Millennial Dawn, and that his prejudice is unfounded. That is to say, it is founded upon some misrepresentation or misunderstanding of what Millennial Dawn is. So this is not what he thinks Millennial Dawn is, so far as we know; therefore, I think you were justified in putting it in the form you did.
My mouth is hanging open. Didn't Russell write them all? Everything I have found says Russell wrote them - both sets the same with just the name change
It didn't matter to Russell whether a person had already bought the same books under the different title. sell sell sell