Does GoofySpeculation of Prophecy by the WTBS reason to leave?
You really need to admit something to yourself: The WTS' use of 'prop'hecy IS just a 'prop'...a tool that is used as a 'carrot on the end of a stick' to attract and keep a controlling net over their gullible followers.
That prop...that tool was used to convince me and my then JW wife (now ex-wife) 20 years ago to decide my child would be better off dead...than to receive a blood transfusion. Although our baby lived without getting blood, my real conscience...not my WT 'bible-trained' one, is still very wounded...over my capacity back then to make such a horrible choice.
That prop...that tool was used to convince my JW mother to DIE over that same blood issue many years later from a very survivable, curable condition.
That prop...that tool was used to murder her.
That prop...that tool was used to convince my children and family to shun me...and I just walked away without being DF'd.
Goofy Speculation ?
Please address me directly on just how the word "Goofy" could possibly be used in what I've written above ! You have side-stepped this issue before, so, again...I ask your opinion about this issue...and am awaiting your reply.
Some web definitions on the net: Notice the last one...