Allow me to introduce myself

by RollerDave 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat
    And thus, in spite of their persistent delusions, they lose.

    That is one of the biggest lessons of my adult life, and you say it so succinctly! It's not only the JW's who are deluded, I've worked with a few preciousess like them, too. They are dismayed and befuddled at my own success. I feel sorry for them mostly, because they are stuck living with themselves. There's no growth if there is no personal honesty.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Welcome. Isn't it a kick in the head that those elders did you a huge favor?

  • stillajwexelder


  • jgnat

    Just a thought. Might've the elders put you off baptism because no-one wanted to take responsibility if you sunk?

  • RollerDave

    They could have been avoiding responsibility, or attempting to keep a potential threat neutralized, in any case, I am grateful for their hesitance to dunk me into their jurisdiction.

    I am also grateful to have kept their hooks out of my daughter.

    If only I could have rescued either of my ex-wives I introduced to the society. I bear the shame of bringing them in and have apologised profusely, which they refuse to accept thinking I have done them no wrong.

    Kinda funny, really.

  • BFD

    Welcome, RollerDave. I enjoyed your intro and following comments. Keep em coming.


  • penny2

    RollerDave, welcome to JWD. I really enjoyed your posts - I am so grateful for the internet allowing us to read about others' experiences.

    If only I could have rescued either of my ex-wives I introduced to the society

    I am amazed by this. Two women who became JWs - presumably as adults, they saw how you were treated and yet they remain. Now that I'm out, I find it hard to believe that outsiders could be attracted to the WTS but I guess it must still be a persuasive message.


  • RollerDave


    They not only SAW but experienced it first hand, sharing in the misery!


    But the smug feeling that you have all the answers and know the REAL DEAL behind what you see in the papers can be intoxicating.

    The stock and trade of the control tower is certainty. You may be wrong, but at least you're dead certain!

    Before the throne they might find they were only half right.


  • penny2
    the smug feeling that you have all the answers

    I know what you mean - some of my JW relatives are like that. They feel sorry for me being out. I just smile.

    control tower

    I like that. It's not a watchtower but a control tower.


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