..call the God of Israel/Abraham, Issac and Jacob that. let's get that straight. I still Believe in YWHW and Jesus, but he term "Jehovah" may be wrong, IMO.
As mentioned earlier, a few threads above, Hovah does indeed mean Mischief and Ruin. Do you think the God of Israel would want to be called that? Also, as some may know, most dont, the word Jehovah was 1st coined in 1532 by Martin Luther......a tyrant who did killings of Jews in the name of the Lord. Also, and egt this, only SOME English-Speaking protestants..outside of the JWs, use this term. Many scholars feel that the word Jehovah is not a accurate representation of the lord, which I leaning towards agreeing with.
Does anyone have anything else to say about this that hasn't been said?
The more I research the word "Jehovah" the more I feel that we shouldn't...
by A-Team 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
kitten whiskers
Interesting you should bring this up. I was just thinking today how much I DO NOT want to use it. I always feel guilty, and like a JW again if I do. I use Heavenly Father, God and Lord.
I hate to say it, but I feel like I detest the name because of what I have associated it with my whole life. However, when visiting a friends Baptist church, they used it in song and carried a banner with the name at Easter. So at least I know JW's aren't the only ones who use Jehovah, although they would make you think they had it copyrighted!!!!!!
I am looking forward to reading others comments.
Kind Regards,
Kitten Whiskers -
Hovah does indeed mean Mischief and Ruin.
hovah and yod-hovah are very, very different words. You are perpetuating an inaccuarcy.
matt (dont believe in no god class)
Death to the Pixies
As far as "Mischief", I think that is just a grammatical pun, if I say one is a Trinitarian, that does not make you 3 times the arian that Jws are. Regardless of how we translate YHWH in English I would imagine the actual etymology would be the same. "Hovah" of course is anglicized, and not hebrew. The other objection you bring up is who "coined" it, I never got this objection, obviuosly at some point an anglo form of the name would have come about , so the who would not be a decent objection IMO. True people before JWs came on the scene spoke an anglicized dialect,but that would be expected. And I had always heard that it was coined prior to "Luther". But that is a trivial objection on my part :>)
I am open to correction on any of the above.
Yahovah was coined before Luther, correct. Jehovah was coined by Luther. It gets real complicated. The 'J' didn't become common until the 16th Century
"As mentioned earlier, a few threads above, Hovah does indeed mean Mischief and Ruin. Do you think the God of Israel would want to be called that?"
Not sure if an imaginary deity really cares what its called, but the hebrew word for "psychopathic murderer" would probably be more appropriate....LOL............
Hmmm, why do I have the feeling we are being CONNED into thinking, something that you have made up....that happens quite often on this board. Someone will come along and write about a subject totally false and expect all the naive to believe every word...
Unlike the WT, Im not trying to get everyone to agree with me. I'm just stating what I have researched and found so far. It all started a few months ago while I was watching CNN. If you dont agree with me, you have that right. I'm not saying Im right, Im just sating what I have found.
Will you please post a link to the information you have read or heard on CNN?