Welcome, Mari. What an interesting way to introduce yourself! I'd identify myself as Juliet's nurse in Romeo and Juliet.
Hi I'm new
by MariAruet 25 Replies latest jw friends
cyberdyne systems 101
Welcome to the board, enjoy it here.
As for a movie character, well i'd love to be the new bond guy - Daniel Craig, but probably most would say i'm more like Harry from Dumb and Dumber!
CS 101
new boy
Greetings Friend!
Can you come to Dallas Sunday for the big party?
Movie person..............Yosairian......"Catch 22"
Welcome to the Board!!!
Welcome to the board, MariAruet! I like your opening post.
The movie character I most identify with would be Simon Bishop played by Greg Kinnear in "As Good as it Gets".
Harold from Harold and Maude....welcome swissy...by the way ...loving them wee army knives and toblerone
Hi Mari, and welcome to the board
My movie character would be Sydney Schanberg in the Killing Fields, he liked to get to the truth of a matter, and let others know about it
Nice to see you here! Welcome!
I am most like "Monica" from Friends...
Hi there,
Interesting question. A movie character?
Wow there's probably several. I identify most with the character of Rose played by Kate Winslet in the movie the Titanic.
She played the role of a survivor from disaster so yeah, I'd say I identify with her.
PS: Welcome aboard! (couldn't resist)
Welcome to the board, Mari. I don't know who I would identify with from the movies.