While my wife acts "normal" in daily conversation, she avoids questioning me
about what I view on the internet. She occasionally asks what I am up to, and
"Clearing email" or "Reading news" usually satisfies her. I think she knows
better. I usually go on JWD when she is not around, but occasionally use the
wireless in the living room while she's busy with the home computer. I always
leave another window open and simply close JWD if she walks into the room.
(That makes it slow, as I need to sign in again)
I receive books from Amazon and other sources, but not very often. When I
did receive books from former members like Ray Franz, or Carl Olaf Jonnson,
I had them sent to a non-JW relative's home, but anything that's not directly
considered apostate, I receive it at home (like Steve Hassan's books).
The last few books I received were:
Soul Snatchers- The Mechanics of Cults
Don't Believe Everything You Think- The 6 Basic Mistakes We Make in Thinking
Mistakes Were Made (but not by me)- Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions,
and Hurtful Acts
Since these are not from former members, they came directly to my home. The
wife was expecting a book she asked me to order. It came with these others.
She asked what the other books were. I said they were "for me." Then she wanted
to know if they were "secret." NO. I left the box out in the open for a couple of days
and I am confident that she did not ever look at what I received. That's very much
unlike my wife.
This is why I say "she knows." My wife is very curious about things at work she's
not supposed to know. She finds out. I think she doesn't want to rock her JW world.
She's not (so far) talking to the elders about how to drag me back. She knows I am
never going back (not to steal a poster's name). She just wants to have her husband
and her false hopes.
It is a very successful fade. I am very paranoid about it lasting, though. Still, the wife
doesn't question me. The elders don't question me. The congregation is now learning
that I am not there, and they aren't calling begging me to come back. My best
friend still calls me, but doesn't discuss JW stuff (he knows I doubt, but doesn't want
to rock his world, either).
I have read many stories of mothers or spouses turning in the apostate, spying. I have
no room for that from my wife. I am sure she knows that. What experiences do any
out there want to share- good or bad?