By the way Konichiwa ?
Domo Arigato for your replies !
Guten Tag ! oops ! I meant to say lebewohl !
by 5go 18 Replies latest jw friends
By the way Konichiwa ?
Domo Arigato for your replies !
Guten Tag ! oops ! I meant to say lebewohl !
Well 5go,
I ain't ahardly bean no place else'n Texas so's I don't reckon I could be afakin' it, but mahbe I could done purtend to be from New Mexico cuz I been thar afore, supposin' I might purtend that I been ab ducted by them thar alien critters, cuz I seen them on TV and that a way I could be from Pluto or the Moon or Uranus or Pluto's Uranus or the Moons Uranus or yeah well anywho, ya know what I mean?
Love and Laughter,
I've moved from the U.S. to Kazakhstan to Iceland to Canada in less than three months. It's really becoming quite exhausting.
As a fader, I have revealed quite a bit. So to keep my identity secret,
(you know, like Superman or Batman) I have created a phoney location
and all. I am really from a different country and don't know much about
US ways. It's pretty easy to fake it.
I don't even understand those sports. We like to play water polo here.
Oh my god! I know who you are now Onthewayout - your cover is sooo blown!
Yeah this texas to japan move was tuff.
did you know it's on the other side of the world.
that and they don't like guns here !
I just told them they were airsoft guns they let me go through customs without to much fuss. Finding a gun range though is another matter.
yesterday I finally gave up and just went out in my back yard to shoot and aparently. some one called the sheriff and he call the army. because soon I hard a tank pointed at my house.
It left me with one option I got mine fired up and now we have a good ole texas stand off.
Did anyone notice that I changed my origin to Oklahoma? I think I'll become Icelandic next:)
Does anyone know if Tiny White posts here?
Wotcha mate, didja jess go up the apples 'n pears from the faw'ief flah? Oy, wot? You say oy sahn' really fake? Wo'eva, see ya la'er.
Da metah's alwas runnin'.