Well it took them four years to find me at my current address, but they did it. My bell rang today and guess who it was! I had some time and thought to myself, sure why not. First off, I currently consider myself to be an agnostic. At this point in my life I have no desire to join any religious group, especially not the JWs again! I dont dislike the "average witnesses", I actually feel sorry for them. My problem is with the leaders at the top in NY. They are the ones that are misleading millions and keeping them enslaved in a cult!
So anyway, after their brief, "Hi, we're Jehovah's Witnesses" intro, the two witnesses began to offer me their latest Watchtower & Awake. That's when I put on the brakes. After telling them that my mother is a witness and I had been brought up as one, I saw the smiles on their faces. Their next question, of course, was "why did you leave?" I dont think they were prepared for my answer or my question. So I said, "Primarily, because the elders at my congregation gave me a hard time about attending college. Now, I have a question for you both." I gave them two scriptures from the New Testament. The first was Ephesians 4: 4 - 6 and John 1:1. I said, "Now the Bible here in Ephesians says that we should only have 'ONE faith, ONE baptism and ONE God. However, your version of the Bible has altered John 1:1 to say that the Word 'IS A GOD'. Now if you dont believe in the Trinity, that means that your religion is teaching that Jehovah is ONE God and Jesus is ANOTHER God, right?"
They both were silent for a moment. Then one of the witnesses said, "So you believe in the Trinity now?" And I said, "Well, what does the Bible say? Specifically here in the two scriptures that I just gave you." So the other witness said, "Well, there is only ONE God and that is Jehovah God, the creator of the Earth and all things." I said, "Ok, so why does your version of the Bible say that the Word, who of course is Jesus, is also A God?" Of course neither witness could answer my question, so they just continued to say that there is only one God. They then tried to change the subject to the coming of Armageddon. After about 10 minutes, I guess they figured that they werent gonna get anywhere with me, so they left. I never got an answer to my question either!!!
Anyone else ever have an experience like this? Where the witnesses just couldnt answer a question that you had? And they just tried to keep changing the subject?