lurker for seven years

by snowbird 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    Welcome snowbird! What a beautiful alias name. Perhaps you are from a cold country or state? Though I think the little junco bird is also called a snowbird.

    It's wonderful that you posted! I lurked for 2 years. You may hold the record. Doesn't matter though. And congratulations to your daughter!!!! How proud you must be.

    I look forward to getting to know you better.


  • Quandry

    Welcome! Yes, please tell us more. And congratulations to your daughter. I'm sure you are very proud. She has alot to offer mankind in the future.

  • mouthy

    7 years???!!!! WoW!!!! They say patience is a virtue.If you have been lurking for that long you KNOW ME & I dont have patience ........congratulations to your daughter & congratulations to YOU!!!for showing up here /Welcome aboard

  • Warlock

    I was wondering when you were going to join.

    W E L C O M E


  • BizzyBee

    Seven years? Puhleese! Girl, what you got goin' on?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Welcome Snowbird,

    Good news re: your daughter! We look forward to your future posts.


  • bernadette

    Hi snowbird welcome, glad things have turned out so well for your daughter. As you have been lurking for 7 years you don't have as much catching up to do


  • TheListener

    Welcome Snowbird.

    Congratulations on your daughter. Please don't wait 7 more years to post again.

    Do you still actively attend the kh? Does anyone know how you feel?

    I think it's great that you found a place to read, listen, and experience together with others who understand your situation.

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Wow! I'm impressed, there's no way in heck I could keep *my* mouth shut for 7 years, just reading and not posting!! LOL

    Congrats to your daughter, that's impressive

  • Crumpet

    I was going to say that too! I can't believe you could be quiet for seven years - must be a relief to join in now!

    Great to have you here! Hope you inspire some others to participate from lurking too!

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