Ted Jarasz Hints at Ted Jaracz influence on the rest of the leadership Jaracz vs. mental health counselors Jaracz and United Nations Scandal | Gene Smalley Gene Smalley and the blood transfusion doctrine | J. R. Brown JR Brown (Watchtower Spokesman) Deceptive quotes from J. R. Brown on child molestation policy Gene Smalley's COMPLICITY in the blood transfusion doctrine (discussion) |
* These men are desired ALIVE and to be subject to an international court of judgment for their gross negligence in the leadership of over 6 million human souls, under the guise of being "faithful and discreet slaves" and corporate lackies of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. |
by Dogpatch 17 Replies latest jw friends
TED JARACZ (LEADING MEMBER OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES): I'm not going to repeat. I'll just tell you exactly and you will see it in writing. It is all in print. You know the Bible says "Do not go beyond the things that are written."? We don't go beyond the things that are written.
Ya....except when it comes to blood transfusions, birthdays, Christmas, beards, number of meetings per week, recording time in Service, higher education, retirement and a host of other 'rules'.
Uncle Teddie is as arrogant and stupid as what Uncle Freddie was.
Randy..If you put a gun to thier heads,you would`nt get the Truth out of any of those Dirtbags!..They`re so twisted,they have to screw thier socks on..LOL!!.....It`s unfortunate they have not been brought to justice...OUTLAW
edmond dantes
These guys are members of the Religious Mafia - or Mob members to use another suitable title ,and they don't have no concience.You can just hear them saying." We want to make you an offer you can't refuse ,believe us ,or your all gonna die if you don't come and work for us for nuttin' pretty soon."
compound complex
Thank you for this thread, Randy, and for the click-on feature. Having information-retrieval so simplified is a real plus!
Peace and gratitude,CoCo
compound complex
Randy..This is a good thread.Just one more thought.....The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has killed more Jehovah`s Witness`s than any other organization on earth!(No one has done a better job!).Due to thier insane Rules and Policies...OUTLAW
Thanks Randy.... The lives they have ruined.... I wonder how they sleep nights.
Keep up the good work