Lets cut to the chase shall we. I'm looking for the WTS list of Babylonian Kings and the years they reigned. . Evidently the WTS discredits any historical list of babylonian Kings. That being the case just WHAT detail does the WTS SPECIFICALLY stumble upon?? Do they think that there is a MISSING babylonian king?? or does th WTS consider the years that the baylonian kings reinged as being incorrect. Please note that the WTS does agree upon the reign of Nabonidus as does everyone else. The WTS agrees that in 539 Babylon fell as does everone else
It is my sincere hope that the WTS has published their OWN kings list accoording to their inspired interpretation of the bible and history.
The format that I hope to see presented is as follows. I want a WTS kings list in the same format as the following kings list
Now people when we get the WTS kings list we can just compare the two lists and see once and for all just where the dispute lies. And now people don't tell me that I need to read a 75 page report on just how complicated this whole thing is