What is driving change at WTS? What is the GB? Has it failed the flock?

by yaddayadda 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yaddayadda

    Greendawn, you are getting to the heart of it, but I don't think they need to change their entire body of doctrine at all. They have very solid, scripturally defensible positions in relation to their rejection of the trinity, immortal soul, hell, etc.

    The issue is: where do they draw the line on what doctrines (products) are 'safe' and don't need overhauling, and which products are defective and need 'recalling'.

    What is the best process to carry out such a task?

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Anything to keep BETHEL running efficiently ... they would have no home nor food without it ... BETHEL is thier livelihood ... Keeping it running is #1 priority. They have no where else to go...the comforts of Bethel are too great for them.

  • journey-on
    Imagine that the GB have admitted to themselves that the organisation is going off track and something seems to have gone wrong. They have hired you as a consultant (but you are also a believing JW) to analyse what is going wrong with the organisation. What questions would you ask? What would you (respectfully) report back to them?

    Yaddayadda: Are you a spy for the WTS trying to pick the JWD people for help solving your problems? (just kidding....sorta??)

  • parlay

    I would treat them the same way Jesus treated the Pharisees. Point out all there hypocritical ways, take off my belt and start

    whipping their a$$es.

  • Mary
    The question is: what actually is the GB? What is role, it's purpose, it's objectives?

    In one word: Control, control, control. Since the days of Rutherfraud, the leadership of this cult has become colder, harsher, mean spirited, and like an abusive mate, they they have an insane desire to control every aspect of your life. They don't give a rats ass if you're happy, sad, suffer from depression, are dying, screwed out of a pension, sexually abused, or commit suicide. The only two things they care about are money and control.

  • yaddayadda

    I think you are right Mary. But I would also add a prime goal is to keep publisher numbers increasing, no matter how small the annual percentage. Those are the dominant motivating forces behind the GB's actions. It is all about control and money and statistical growth rather than being 100% concerned about teaching pure scriptural truth. So their vision, their mission statement and overriding objectives, are flawed, corrupted, right from the off.

    The problem is that the money is drying up. All indications are that they are running into cashflow problems and are desperately rationalising in order to cut costs (laying off Bethel workers, cutting back magazine production, selling Brooklyn properties).

    So why is the money drying up? Because the 'consumers' are much more savvy about the 'product' they are buying into. People get onto the internet and check out what they are 'buying' into. The internet exposes many of the 'products' (teachings and policies) to be way past their use by date. They are stale, defective, out-of-date. So the once loyal consumer turns away and the prospective new consumer never buys in. Hence the statistical/publisher growth is slowly drying up.

    What to do about this? Easy. Simply get rid of the rubbish products that are turning away the consumers! Dump them from the product line. Dump the shunning, dump the blood policy, dump the fanatical prohibition on birthdays, etc, etc. Scrap them or drastically overhaul them.

    Problem! Dumping all these crap 'products' creates a dilemma, a conflict: the GB lose some control.

    So the GB's objectives, money and control and publisher growth, are in conflict with each other. In order to keep all their control they cannot afford to dump any teachings (products), however, unless they do so then the money and consumers will shrivel up. It is clearly happening; the trend is there for all to see.

    The GB must surely be aware that their prime objectives are in serious conflict. They can no longer enjoy all three - money, control, and growth. Something has to give.

    If the rumour is true that some GB members recently called for a change to the shunning policy then this is very telling in terms of what the future strategy of the GB will be:- change the product mix. Dump or drastically re-invent some dodgy teachings (the defective, out-of-date products) that are ruining the Company brand, or new customers will continue to dry up and the existing, loyal customers will leave in greater droves. It's simply good business sense, and that's what the GB is all about: good business.

    Strategic prediction: expect a lot of 'new light' (revamped products) to be coming out in the next few years.

  • dozy

    Interesting topic , YY , and something that I have wondered about over the years. Thanks for your comments and those of others.

    I’ve little to add (but that’s never stopped me before!)

    I’ve often thought about the GB as a kind of body of elders , but more elderly , conservative and parochial. Heavily resistant to change , lifetime indoctrinated , without the moderating and humbling influences of having to make a living , children (in most cases) and peers - all they really have is a “kiss up” fan club of often devoted followers - we have all seem the almost worshipful attitude of the R & F at conventions.

    I’m assuming there is an element of sincerity and a profound awareness of the privilege (as they see it) of being “Christ’s brothers” and looking “after His interests of earth” , so perhaps they do reflect on current beliefs and puzzle over changes. But this must be minimum - they are kept busy with talks , zone visits etc which would be a punishing schedule for a young man , let alone 80 + year old men in some cases. RF noted that the GB rarely had time for bible study , and the present GB have little or any training in Hebrew , Greek or theology of any sort , other than being totally immersed in a lifetime of WTS culture. “Look up the index” seems to be the mantra of these individuals , if KM schools are anything to go by , so if in doubt , then we‘ll go with what we have always believed.

    Other than the legal or financial pressures , I’m guessing that any doctrinal or procedural drivers come mainly from committee members and prominent HQ staff who have long standing friendships with the GB & who aren’t afraid of losing their position. It would be suicide (after the events of 79/80) if any of them were doing “deep bible study” & mentioned that they disagreed with a particular doctrine , but I’m assuming that they could raise a subject for discussion.

    It is common knowledge that Branch members generally have very little influence and a largely place-men , virtually having to swear allegiance to the FDS. RF noted particular African branch members were nervous & reticent about bringing up issues , even with a liberal GB member like him. In private , branch committee members are surprisingly outspoken and I’m guessing that many of them doubt the authority of Brooklyn , but in public they are yes-men. It would be a one way ticket out of their position (and into the laundry or kitchen or (gasp - we need you on the circuit , brother) ) if they brought up any controversial issues. Notably , anointed members are rarely , if ever , appointed (which always strikes me as bizarre , as the leaders of the WTS are supposed to be from this group), presumably to stop any coup or power base developing.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Simply get rid of the rubbish products that are turning away the consumers! Dump them from the product line. Dump the shunning, dump the blood policy, dump the fanatical prohibition on birthdays, etc, etc. Scrap them or drastically overhaul them.

    Problem! Dumping all these crap 'products' creates a dilemma, a conflict: the GB lose some control.

    So the GB's objectives, money and control and publisher growth, are in conflict with each other. In order to keep all their control they cannot afford to dump any teachings (products), however, unless they do so then the money and consumers will shrivel up. It is clearly happening; the trend is there for all to see.

    Yes, it's a problem. The Apple computer was on the way out. It's not a perfect analogy because it was a good product
    suffering from competition. Anyway, the company continued to just survive the market. Eventually, they came out with
    a new product that is now thriving- IPOD.

    WTS is in that "just surviving the market" period. They are desparately trying different things, hoping to discover their
    IPOD. At the same time, they know the rank-and-file will abandon them if they change too drastically.

    Sears and Montgomery Wards didn't do so well, but one is still around, swallowed up by KMart. They might settle for
    the "take the money and run" scenario if all else fails. I hope so. They might also settle for being a smaller version of
    themselves- it could take several lifetimes to become nothing but a bad dream. Meanwhile, it's still a multimillion dollar
    corporation. IBM keeps laying off, but somehow remains a serious player on the corporate scene. Airlines declare
    bankruptcy and profits roll in. Many are gone, some are still here.

    I personally think that they are offering an antique in a high-tech world. The antique buyers are getting older. They will
    see serious shrinkage in a generation.

  • zack

    Their meassage, if you listen carefully, is not christian. It is Not about love. It is NOT about compassion and caring and forgiveness. Their message is

    about survival! Grab the life line! Get in the Ark! We are the only way! Obey us or die! It is selfisness that they teach. That is their product: Selfishness and

    paranoia. That's why so many witnesses are so screwed up psychologically. And the GB are most selfish and paranoid of the group. If they really cared about

    TRUTH they would have abandoned 1914, the invisible kingdom, the whole 144k literal interpretation, divine appointment. But if they did that, they woulod risk collapse.

    And then who would they rule over? That is what they are paranoid about becuase it is themselves and their positions that they worry about.

  • blondie

    Remember the WTS is a corporation, a buiness, money and legal issues drive the Borg.

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