One day after severe pulmonary problems and congestive heart disease, I just won't get up that morning and will be found days later.
by Terry 64 Replies latest jw friends
El Kabong
I always thought freezing to death would be nice.
Hard...and you can make all the jokes about that you want...
Seriously...won't know till I get there...probably like Steven F. Austin, alone somewhere in a bed...
I think that as I grow older and if I get seriouly ill, or find out I will soon get some type of debilitating illness, that I will build a carbon monoxide generator (Formic acid and sulfuric acid), it is one of the most painless ways to go. I would like to have a little party with understanding friends to say good bye, maybe a few good laughs, or whatever, and then in a dignified way put on the mask and end my life.
I would surely hate to be kept alive for years while bed ridden in a nursing home, to me that would be torture and a huge waste of money.
If I don't die in an accident of some sort, I will most likely die from liver failure. But, I believe that I will join the Hemlock Society before I have to go through a lot of pain and suffering.
This is the most morbid thread I've ever seen. But anyway,
The sky will be thick with a spooky sort of quietness, grey, and cloudy. There will be deep rumblings in the earth and the smell of sulphur. A feeling of horror and utter panic will envelope me as I run toward the Kingdom Hall for safety. The door will be miraculously sealed from inside and out. I'll be able to hear the brodders and sistas talking inside, oblivious to my hysteric pleas to let me in. As I let out a blood curdling scream, the ground will open like a deep black crevice and as I begin to fall into the menacing hole, I'll grab the side of the ground in sheer terror, but the hail stones the size of basketballs plummeting to the earth will pummel me till I let go and fall to my death, slow and painful, as the buildings and homes behind me collapse and their occupants begin fleeing with the same fear and panic. My last thought will be........(never mind).
I've thought a lot about this.
Barring some sort of accident - always a possibility, of course - I plan to stay extremely active for quite some time. I really enjoy every day I'm alive.
When the time comes that age or disease makes enjoying life impossible, I plan on taking an active role in my death. I've chosen pretty damn much how I will live, I want the same approach to how I die. If physician assisted death is not an option at the time, I'll likely just stop drinking. If you keep your mouth lubricated with ice cubes, etc., dehydration is supposedly a nice, painless way to go. Takes about 4 days from what I've read. A little time to warn the family and say goodby.
Maybe my grandkids/great grandkids will make a film of it. Always thought that would be nice.
S4 -
It won't be pretty....
Brother Apostate
Below are the odds on how we will meet this guy:
What are the odds of dying?
The table below was prepared in response to frequent inquiries, especially from the media, asking questions such as, "What are the odds of being killed by lightning?" or "What are the chances of dying in a plane crash?"
The table has four columns. The first column gives the manner of injury such as motor-vehicle crash, fall, fire, etc. The second column gives the total number of deaths nationwide due to the manner of injury in 2003 (the latest year for which data are available). The third column gives the odds of dying in one year due to the manner of injury. The fourth column gives the lifetime odds of dying from the manner of injury. Statements about the odds or chances of dying from a given cause of death may be made as follows:
- The odds of dying from (manner of injury) in 2003 were 1 in (value given in the one-year odds column).
- The life-time odds of dying from (manner of injury) for a person born in 2003 were 1 in (value given in the lifetime odds column).
For example, referring to the first line of the table below:
- The odds of dying from an injury in 2003 were 1 in 1,755.
- The lifetime odds of dying from an injury for a person born in 2003 were 1 in 23.
National Geographic magazine's August 2006 issue features the
" Ways to Go" chart based on the National Safety Council's Odds of
Dying statisticsThe odds given below are statistical averages over the whole U.S. population and do not necessarily reflect the chances of death for a particular person from a particular external cause. Any individual's odds of dying from various external causes are affected by the activities in which they participate, where they live and drive, what kind of work they do, and other factors.
Source: National Safety Council estimates based on data from National Center for Health Statistics and U.S. Census Bureau. Deaths are classified on the basis of the Tenth Revision of the World Health Organization's "The International Classification of Diseases" (ICD). Numbers following titles refer to External Cause of Morbidity and Mortality classifications in ICD-10. One year odds are approximated by dividing the 2003 population (290,850,005) by the number of deaths. Lifetime odds are approximated by dividing the one-year odds by the life expectancy of a person born in 2003 (77.6 years).
Odds of Death Due to Injury, United States, 2003
Type of Accident or Manner of Injury Deaths One Year Odds Lifetime Odds All External Causes of Mortality, V01-Y89, *U01, *U03 166,857 1,743 22 Deaths Due to Unintentional (Accidental) Injuries, V01-X59, Y85-Y86 109,277 2,662 34 Transport Accidents, V01-V99, Y85 48,071 6,050 78 Motor-Vehicle Accidents, V02-V04, V09.0, V12-V14, V19.0-V19.2, V19.4-V19.6, V20-V79, V80.3-V80.5, V81.0-V81.1, V82.0-V82.1, V83-V86, V87.0-V87.8, V88.0-V88.8, V89.0, V89.2 44,757 6,498 84 Pedestrian, V01-V09 5,991 48,548 626 Pedalcyclist, V10-V19 762 381,693 4,919 Motorcycle rider, V20-V29 3,676 79,121 1,020 Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle, V30-V39 13 22,373,077 288,313 Car occupant, V40-V49 15,797 18,412 237 Occupant of pick-up truck or van, V50-V59 4,163 69,865 900 Occupant of heavy transport vehicle, V60-V69 442 658,032 8,480 Bus occupant, V70-V79 36 8,079,167 104,113 Animal rider or occupant of animal-drawn vehicle, V80 101 2,879,703 37,110 Occupant of railway train or railway vehicle, V81 24 12,118,750 156,169 Occupant of streetcar, V82 2 145,425,003 1,874,034 Other and unspecified land transport accidents, V83-V89 15,107 19,253 248 Occupant of special industrial vehicle, V83 12 24,237,500 312,339 Occupant of special agricultural vehicle, V84 175 1,662,000 21,418 Occupant of special construction vehicle, V85 20 14,542,500 187,403 Occupant of all-terrain or other off-road motor vehicle, V86 906 321,026 4,137 Other and unspecified person, V87-V89 13,994 20,784 268 Water transport accidents, V90-V94 573 507,592 6,541 Drowning, V90, V92 412 705,947 9,097 Other and unspecified injuries, V91, V93-V94 161 1,806,522 23,280 Air and space transport accidents, V95-V97 742 391,981 5,051 Other and unspecified transport accidents and sequelae, V98-V99, Y85 642 453,037 5,838 Other specified transport accidents, V98 2 145,425,003 1,874,034 Unspecified transport accident, V99 0 --- --- Nontransport Unintentional (Accidental) Injuries, W00-X59, Y86 61,206 4,752 61 Falls, W00-W19 17,229 16,881 218 Fall on same level from slipping, tripping, and stumbling, W01 597 487,186 6,278 Other fall on same level, W00, W02-W03, W18 3,896 74,653 962 Fall involving bed, chair, other furniture, W06-W08 838 347,076 4,473 Fall on and from stairs and steps, W10 1,588 183,155 2,360 Fall on and from ladder or scaffolding, W11-W12 417 697,482 8,988 Fall from out of or through building or structure, W13 600 484,750 6,247 Other fall from one level to another, W09, W14-W17 701 414,907 5,347 Other and unspecified fall, W04-W05, W19 8,592 33,851 436 Exposure to inanimate mechanical forces, W20-W49 2,658 109,424 1,410 Struck by or striking against object, W20-W22 809 359,518 4,633 Caught between objects, W23 136 2,138,603 27,559 Contact with machinery, W24, W30-W31 640 454,453 5,856 Contact with sharp objects, W25-W29 99 2,937,879 37,859 Firearms discharge, W32-W34 730 398,425 5,134 Explosion and rupture of pressurized devices, W35-W38 30 9,695,000 124,936 Fireworks discharge, W39 11 26,440,910 340,733 Explosion of other materials, W40 147 1,978,571 25,497 Foreign body entering through skin or natural orifice, W44-W45 22 13,220,455 170,367 Other and unspecified inanimate mechanical forces, W41-W43, W49 34 8,554,412 110,237 Exposure to animate mechanical forces, W50-W64 171 1,700,877 21,919 Struck by or against another person, W50-W52 39 7,457,692 96,104 Bitten or struck by dog, W54 32 9,089,063 117,127 Bitten or struck by other mammals, W53, W55 78 3,728,846 48,052 Bitten or stung by nonvenomous insect and other arthropods, W57 12 24,237,500 312,339 Bitten or crushed by other reptiles, W59 0 --- --- Other and unspecified animate mechanical forces, W56, W58, W60, W64 10 29,085,001 374,807 Accidental drowning and submersion, W65-W74 3,306 87,976 1,134 Drowning and submersion while in or falling into bath-tub, W65-W66 332 876,054 11,289 Drowning and submersion while in or falling into swimming-pool, W67-W68 515 564,757 7,278 Drowning and submersion while in or falling into natural water, W69-W70 1,225 237,429 3,060 Other and unspecified drowning and submersion, W73-W74 1,234 235,697 3,037 Other accidental threats to breathing, W75-W84 5,579 52,133 672 Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, W75 497 585,211 7,541 Other accidental hanging and strangulation, W76 277 1,050,000 13,531 Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, W77 46 6,322,826 81,480 Inhalation of gastric contents, W78 393 740,076 9,537 Inhalation and ingestion of food causing obstruction of respiratory tract, W79 875 332,400 4,284 Inhalation and ingestion of other objects causing obstruction of respiratory tract, W80 3,004 96,821 1,248 Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, W81 16 18,178,125 234,254 Other and unspecified threats to breathing, W83-W84 471 617,516 7,958 Exposure to electric current, radiation, temperature, and pressure, W85-W99 396 734,470 9,465 Electric transmission lines, W85 96 3,029,688 39,042 Other and unspecified electric current, W86-W87 280 1,038,750 13,386 Radiation, W88-W91 0 --- --- Excessive heat or cold of man-made origin, W92-W93 10 29,085,001 374,807 High and low air pressure and changes in air pressure, W94 10 29,085,001 374,807 Other and unspecified man-made environmental factors, W99 0 --- --- Exposure to smoke, fire and flames, X00-X09 3,369 86,331 1,113 Uncontrolled fire in building or structure, X00 2,761 105,342 1,358 Uncontrolled fire not in building or structure, X01 57 5,102,632 65,756 Controlled fire in building or structure, X02 35 8,310,000 107,088 Controlled fire not in building or structure, X03 39 7,457,692 96,104 Ignition of highly flammable material, X04 55 5,288,182 68,147 Ignition or melting of nightwear, X05 3 96,950,002 1,249,356 Ignition or melting of other clothing and apparel, X06 104 2,796,635 36,039 Other and unspecified smoke fire and flames, X08-X09 315 923,333 11,899 Contact with heat and hot substances, X10-X19 88 3,305,114 42,592 Contact with hot tap-water, X11 26 11,186,539 144,156 Other and unspecified heat and hot substances, X10, X12-X19 62 4,691,129 60,453 Contact with venomous animals and plants, X20-X29 94 3,094,149 39,873 Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, X20 2 145,425,003 1,874,034 Contact with venomous spiders, X21 8 36,356,251 468,508 Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, X23 66 4,406,818 56,789 Contact with other and unspecified venomous animal or plant, X22, X24-X29 18 16,158,334 208,226 Exposure to forces of nature, X30-X39 1,140 255,132 3,288 Exposure to excessive natural heat, X30 273 1,065,385 13,729 Exposure to excessive natural cold, X31 620 469,113 6,045 Lightning, X33 47 6,188,298 79,746 Earthquake and other earth movements, X34-X36 32 9,089,063 117,127 Cataclysmic storm, X37 75 3,878,000 49,974 Flood, X38 26 11,186,539 144,156 Exposure to other and unspecified forces of nature, X32, X39 67 4,341,045 55,941 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances, X40-X49 19,457 14,948 193 Nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics, and antirheumatics, X40 210 1,385,000 17,848 Antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism, and psychotropic drugs n.e.c., X41 1,205 241,369 3,110 Narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens] n.e.c., X42 9,231 31,508 406 Other and unspecified drugs, medicaments, and biologicals, X43-X44 7,648 38,030 490 Alcohol, X45 373 779,759 10,048 Gases and vapours, X46-X47 690 421,522 5,432 Other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, X48-X49 100 2,908,500 37,481 Overexertion, travel and privation, X50-X57 48 6,059,375 78,085 Accidental exposure to other and unspecified factors and sequelae, X58-X59, Y86 7,671 37,916 489 Intentional self-harm, X60-X84, Y87.0, *U03 31,484 9,238 119 Intentional self-poisoning, X60-X69 5,462 53,250 686 Intentional self-harm by hanging, strangulation, and suffocation, X70 6,635 43,836 565 Intentional self-harm by firearm, X72-X74 16,907 17,203 222 Other and unspecified means and sequelae, X71, X75-X84, Y87.0, *U03 2,480 117,278 1,511 Assault, X85-Y09, Y87.1, *U01 17,732 16,403 211 Assault by firearm, X93-X95 11,920 24,400 314 Assault by sharp object, X99 2,049 141,947 1,829 Other and unspecified means and sequelae, X85-X92, X96-X98, Y00-Y09, Y87.1, *U01 3,763 77,292 996 Event of undetermined intent, Y10-Y34, Y87.2, Y89.9 5,072 57,344 739 Poisoning, Y10-Y19 3,700 78,608 1,013 Hanging, strangulation, and suffocation, Y20 108 2,693,056 34,704 Drowning and submersion, Y21 215 1,352,791 17,433 Firearm discharge, Y22-Y24 232 1,253,664 16,155 Exposure to smoke, fire, and flames, Y26 100 2,908,500 37,481 Falling, jumping, or pushed from a high place, Y30 77 3,777,273 48,676 Other and unspecified means and sequelae, Y25, Y27-Y29, Y31-Y34,Y87.2, Y89.9 640 454,453 5,856 Legal intervention, Y35, Y89.0 423 687,589 8,861 Legal intervention involving firearm discharge, Y35.0 347 838,184 10,801 Legal execution, Y35.5 60 4,847,500 62,468 Other and unspecified means and sequelae, Y35.1-Y35.4, Y35.6-Y35.7, Y89.0 16 18,178,125 234,254 Operations of war and sequelae, Y36, Y89.1 14 20,775,000 267,719 Complications of medical and surgical care and sequelae, Y40-Y84, Y88.0-Y88.3 2,855 101,874 1,313