Welcome, Brinjen.
Another excellent story of need for freedom. You had a sense of physical freedom, but needed to
free your mind from that prison. Good job.
by OnTheWayOut 28 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome, Brinjen.
Another excellent story of need for freedom. You had a sense of physical freedom, but needed to
free your mind from that prison. Good job.
I think that people wouldn't get so fed up with the organization if more resonableness was displayed. For instance, my fiancee doesn't drive yet and she had a dr's appointment not too far from where she lives but it was far enough. Now let me tell that it was 110 degrees out that afternoon and she had no one that could take her. I happened to be off work and at home that day so I took her. Then one of the hardline elders saw us and pulled me into a room at the next meeting and reminded me of the importance of not going on dates without a chaperone. I was just taking her to the dr! So was I supposed to let her walk in the sweltering heat, possibly faint because of a rule? At the same time there was a sister that was engaged, neice of one of the elders and her and her fiancee went drove to all the meetings together ALONE, ofter went out to eat afterwards ALONE and they did this for months on end right up until the wedding day.
Keep digging and you'll find as many reasons (excuses) you need to fade away. You are on the right path, as you will be told here time and again. But I guess that's why you are here anyway, confirmation that you won't get at the Kingdom Hall.
Be careful!
R.F. I'm not surprised to read that. There is no reasonableness, only right and wrong, no matter the situation. Life isn't so black and white.
and they did this for months on end right up until the wedding day.
So the elders probably covered up forgave the sins they committed, so
they personally know the dangers that this could lead to.
The information on dating and chaperones, etc. is just suggestions.
They go tooooo far.
I already knew the WTS was not the truth. The latest thing was Bethel Layoffs. I was infuriated that
they would treat their loyal drones with such disregard. Cast away the likes of me, I understand that,
but these were their followers, churning out their literature, cleaning GB members' drool off their bibs,
shining the brass in the lobby at HQ. How could I have even given so much of my life to them if they
treat their hardest workers this way?
I haven't heard of this? Who did they lay off? All the old ones who worked for nothing their whole lives and now have nothing?
A thread, tara, on the bethel layoffs. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/116971/1.ashx
Welcome Tara.
Follow that thread and search or ask for more.
They didn't discard ALL the old-timers, but many who had 20 or even more years of service to
the collective. If you started in your 20's to give your whole life to WTS, and they "let you go"
in your 40's, without a college degree- then you slaved during your peak earning years. You
can now do manual labor for low wages, trying to build up your social security.
And, you start to cost them in healthcare after you reach 40, especially if you are a woman.
Not all of them need to be old-timers. Even if you gave 10 years for sustenance and covering with
the general idea that if you stick it out, they will let you stay as long as you believe there's no
man behind that curtain.
Be careful!
Always good advice, Rosalee.
The prison doors have opened wide, thanks to the Internet, and the inmates are escaping in droves!
I happened to be off work and at home that day so I took her. Then one of the hardline elders saw us and pulled me into a room at the next meeting and reminded me of the importance of not going on dates without a chaperone.
I was hauled before the Elders because I had a haircut at a married sisters house when no one else was there although she was expecting other witnesses to arrive shortly for their haircut. At the same time an engaged JW couple spent hours and days alone in his house painting, wallpapering etc getting ready for their wedding which was held at his house. Nothing was said to them although everyone knew... Go figure...