Welcome, and thanks for sharing your story with us.
The WTS wants able bodied (and mind) folks who are in tip top shape to work, work ,work, and feel guilt because they are not doing more. I recall one young woman in a congregation I was in some years back pioneering with I think three small children, also home schooling them. They were very poor, because of course the dad did cleaning work at night, and they did not own an evil T.V. She would get out of the car, hoist one child onto a carrier on her back, and drag the other two by the hand, going out of course for hours. If she isn't completely used up by now, I would be surprised.
My husband was WT study conductor for quite some time. That is, of course, after he'd been a P.O. of one congregation, secretary, Ministry School Overseer, and Book study conductor. He began to feel ill, and began having lots of tests done. He found he was diabetic, and had to start taking medicine. This type of medicine can sometimes cause problems, and must be adjusted. He also found his blood pressure was really high, and he needed three different medicines to control it. He also had blood in his urine, and cancerous polyps that had to be dug out.
In the midst of all this, he was so dizzy from the blood pressure medicine, and having to get used to diabetes he could not work, and could not go to meetings. The elders, of course, carefully evaluated all of this. They then told him he "was not handling his illness correctly." I suppose what they meant was that he should schedule his illness around meetings so that he would not miss them. They took away the WT study from him so that others would not "loose confidence."
Yep, we could feel the love...........