Anyone interested in ancient history/archeology?

by zagor 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • zagor

    I have to admit I’m a real sucker when it comes to those. Always have been interested in the subject. In fact, my old house was full of relics somuchso that my ex used to tell me “you are turning this house into a museum” lol. (mind you everything was tastefully arranged :p)
    And now this new studio of mine is slowly becoming the same. I don’t know why but I just love ancient things, there is something very special about them. (I've even got some ceremonial masks from Africa, if only could dubs come to see this lol)

    Which is really weird, engineers are usually interested in modern technology. With me is quite opposite, not that I don’t find technology stimulating in a big way but ancient things just have that something special about them. It is as if people from across the space and time are talking to us through things they were able to make. I don't know, but yeah I really love old things. Like for instance few weeks ago I was looking for a piano to buy, and found some really great shop with modern and, might I add, NEW pianos. Instead what do you think I did?? I went to an auction and bought 18th century German piano which cost me about as much as the new one, but there you go. Heck this is almost like a glimpse into my mind lol.

    Likewise, whenever I'm in Europe I like visiting historic sites. I haven't been to Egypt and Israel yet though and would love to go there on my next round, There are some new digging sites in "The Valley of the Kings" apparently too.

    Anyone else??!!

  • purplesofa

    Everytime the History Channel has a program on about old cities or ancient machines I am glued to the tv. Recently, they showed how old drinking fountains were made and worked. I am facinated by the old bath houses, the water systems.....and the artwork involved. So much of Pompeii was beautiful with its huge displays of artwork on buildings.

    I like to learn how ancient people lived and what their surroundings were like. Its amazing how much stuff is under sand and dirt. While I watch these programs I can google the places and get a better understanding.

    I just wish my ancient brain would do better at retaining what I learn


  • winnie

    Yes...I watch anything to do with archeology. Fascinating stuff!

  • jaguarbass

    I like old Harleys from the 70's, shovelheads.

  • zagor

    That is wonderful Purps, sounds like we have a lot in common. I love history channel too. Haven't seen the program on fountains though. I'll share with you one of my favorite movie intros which though being mostly fictitious illustrates very well my own fascination with history while still a young boy.

    ... or as Romans would say Historia est vitae magistra

  • cyrus

    Hi all ,i love ancient history and archeology.My friend in turkey does trips to ancient cities in asia minor .ive visited ephesus,smryna(ismir today)pergammum,sardis miletos,prienne,loadacia,thyatira,teos,hieropolis and many other ancient sites in south west turkey.I too want to visit egypt and also persia (iran) mesopatamia(iraq)isreal and sria . Yes the ancients were amazing at the temple of artemis in ephesus the builders need to stop the water from the swamp it was built on from coming through the foundations so not only did they build it on a platform but made a damp course made from a layer ofcharcoal a layer of lambs fleece and a layer of leather this worked and was why it was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

  • Invetigator74

    I too am a member of the Ancient Archeology/History club :) I have a subscription to Biblical Archeology Review since the 80's and still have all the issues.I still yearn to see the ancient lands in my lifetime. I too am also a collector of antiques, but mostly books,maps and ephemera.I suggest a good read about ancient technology is ANCIENT INVENTIONS by Peter James and Nick Thorpe @1994 Ballantine Books. Definitely a awesome book!

  • LeslieV

    I love any kind of history. I also collect old or vintage things. I live in an old victorian home, that I fixed up...lots of work, but I do love it. I am now mixing old with handmade. I am really into supporting local trades. Whether that be furniture, clothing, art, farmers etc. Since I live in a very large farming, Amish community I support them. I am so sick of coorporate America killing the small business, and family businesses.

    My daughter just returned from Turkey, where she had done an archeological dig. She is working on her Master's in Anthropology. She also was in China doing the I am lucky I can fill my passion through her vicariously. Or actually she probably has always been interested in saving cultures and history because of how she was raised, or at least I hope so. I have always felt we can never know enough about history and culture, or we don't know ourselves ...since we are a product of history and culture. JMO


  • Leolaia

    Here's an important new discovery for biblical history:

    Heliodorus was the tribute collector mentioned in Daniel 11:20: "His successor [King Seleucus IV Philopator] will send out a tax collector [Heliodorus] to maintain the royal splendor. In a few years, however, he will be destroyed, yet not in anger or in battle." The story of Heliodorus is also detailed in 2 Maccabees 3:7-10, which is reminiscent of the story of Paul's conversion in Acts and the vision of Asenath in Joseph and Asenath 14.

  • greendawn

    History has always been one of my hobbies especially Biblical history. I also enjoy watching the Discovery Civilisation channel though at times it focuses too much on the second world war.

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