As a witness, how would you have handled this scripture?

by NotaNess 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • NotaNess

    Philippeans 1:15-18 (NWT)

    If someone you were witnessing to at a door or on the street presented you with this scripture, and told you that Paul supported even false intensions about Christ, in fact he rejoiced in it. In other words if witnesses have issues with "False Religion" or some church leaders(on TV) out there acting like big supporters of the gospel, but they're really in it for the money, how would you handle that paerson saying that Paul rejoiced in it? If they were witnessing to me, I would then ask them.."So how do you feel about the Apostle Paul now"? "Is he someone you would support in this"?

    15 True, some are preaching the Christ through envy and rivalry, but others also through goodwill. 16 The latter are publicizing the Christ out of love, for they know I am set here for the defense of the good news; 17 but the former do it out of contentiousness, not with a pure motive, for they are supposing to stir up tribulation [for me] in my [prison] bonds. 18 What then? [Nothing,] except that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is being publicized, and in this I rejoice.

  • RAF

    I don't think that they really understand that they have to preach Christ (in being a disciple = a follower spiritually which have something to do with acts and why those acts) - and acting is not about going to door, showing love should be enough

    This scripture talks about tolerance in knowing that most of the time if we do not know ourselves enough, we don't really know why we are doing some things (what we are today might not be what we will be tomorrow, anyway).

    But the message is still as clear (Christ talks about love/charity which include forgiveness/understanding).

    JW's are a bit handicaped in the understanding because they have to hear about JEHOVAH and it's supposed organisation, way more than Christ / When CHRIST IS THE KEY to understanding.

  • NotaNess

    Yes, Christ is Key.

    Thanks for the post, and they DO miss the whole Love thing don't they, yet, they seem to be all about love?? (conditional love that is)

    I read the scripture simply as it is. Some preaching the Gospel for their own gain, but not being true believers, and in some ways to make it worse on Paul's situation being Jailed. He states, that it doesn't bother him, in fact he rejoices, because either way, people are hearing the word, and Christianity is spreading from it as a fruit.

  • bigmouth

    '...except that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is being publicized, and in this I rejoice."

    I think the modern parallel would be 'Any publicity is good publicity'.

  • Hortensia

    you know, I don't have a bible, haven't had one for years. what does it say at that scripture? Maybe all you folks who cite specific scriptures could quote them for people like me who don't own a bible, aren't going to ever own another one, but want to follow the conversation.

  • NotaNess


  • Hortensia

    well I had to chuckle. I am famous for not noticing what's in front of my nose. I didn't look at the red print, thought it was more of that advertising that is all over the place. Sorry! I take it all back.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    When I was a Witness I interpeted this scripture to mean that even though the churches were "Babylon the Great" and hopeless dupes of Satan they did a very good thing in providing Bibles to heathens and spreading the knowledge that Jesus died for the worlds sins. That being said, it was up to Jehovah's Witnesses to perfect that knowledge and give those converted heathens and "false" Christians the true path to salvation in Jehovah's New System.

    When I was a Witness I never took the view that anyone not in the organization was totally evil. I thought they were just misinformed.

    Now I realize that the Watchtower was the misinformed party.

  • Mad

    Phil 1: 15 -It's true that some preach about Christ because they are jealous. But others preach about Christ to help me in my work. 16 The last group acts out of love. They know I have been put here to stand up for the good news. 17 But the others preach about Christ only to get ahead. They are not honest and true. They think they can stir up trouble for me while I am being held by chains. 18 But what does it matter? Here is the important thing. Whether for reasons that are right or wrong, Christ is being preached about. That makes me very glad. And I will continue to be glad.

    Mad replies: To understand, you have to go back in your mind to that time: a huge world to preach to, and few doing it! You can tell by Paul's words, that instead of letting the false preachers discourage him, he looked at it in a way that ENCOURAGED: they taught many about Christ that never heard of him, and Paul knew that many would investigate, wanting to know more, and if their heart was right, find the Truth!

  • NotaNess

    Well MAD, that's good, I'm glad to see your alignment with Paul, in the support of those getting the message of Christ out, even if it's for false reasons. He rejoiced, and you can too in today's arena, that others than the WT are spreading the "Good News". Just don't frown upon those false one's, Paul might see your sudden mis-alignment, and tell Christ about it.

    Seriously though, where did you get that version of the scripture you posted, I'm curious.

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