Philippeans 1:15-18 (NWT)
If someone you were witnessing to at a door or on the street presented you with this scripture, and told you that Paul supported even false intensions about Christ, in fact he rejoiced in it. In other words if witnesses have issues with "False Religion" or some church leaders(on TV) out there acting like big supporters of the gospel, but they're really in it for the money, how would you handle that paerson saying that Paul rejoiced in it? If they were witnessing to me, I would then ask them.."So how do you feel about the Apostle Paul now"? "Is he someone you would support in this"?
15 True, some are preaching the Christ through envy and rivalry, but others also through goodwill. 16 The latter are publicizing the Christ out of love, for they know I am set here for the defense of the good news; 17 but the former do it out of contentiousness, not with a pure motive, for they are supposing to stir up tribulation [for me] in my [prison] bonds. 18 What then? [Nothing,] except that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is being publicized, and in this I rejoice.