Millenial Dawn Heresy

by DeusMauzzim 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • cabasilas

    They may be boring but interesting historically.

    Personally, I learned a lot from another work by Professor Moorehead, another contemporary of Russell:

    I knew that Russell believed Christ had invisibly returned in 1874 and that he put the resurrection of the anointed in 1878 but I had not known there were other significant differences. Witnesses today view Christ's invisible return in 1914 as "symbolic" (he "turned his attention to the earth") and they also believe the anointed were raised to heavenly life in 1918. The early Bible Students believed that Christ actually returned to earth invisbly and the risen saints in 1878 were with him invisbly on the earth. Moorehead explains:

    Millennial Dawn likewise teaches that the resurrection takes place at the Lord's advent, but not immediately; four years lie between the Lord's "presence" on earth and the resurrection of the saints; the one occurs in 1874, the other in 1878. (Vol. III, pp. 234-5; 302-306). We read: "That in the spring of 1878 all the holy apostles and other `overcomers' of the Gospel age who slept in Jesus were raised spirit beings, like unto their Lord and Master"... "The Lord Jesus and the risen saints already here [are] engaged in the great harvest work." ... "Such is the present situation: the great Judge has come -- not as at the first advent, in a body of humiliation, for sacrifice, but in the plenitude of His power as a spirit being". "And while we conclude that their resurrection is now an accomplished fact, and hence that they as well as the Lord are now present in the earth, the fact, that we do not see them is no obstacle to faith when we remember that, like their Lord, they are now spirit beings, and, like Him, invisible to men".

    Since 1874 Jesus Christ has been dwelling on the earth; since 1878 the risen saints have also been sojourning on the earth; and no mortal has the slightest inkling of it save C. T. Russell and his followers!

    The idea that Christ's return was to be understood symbolically didn't arise until after 1925 when Rutherford published the "Birth of a Nation" article in the WT which placed Christ in heaven in 1914 (though the 1874 Second Coming teaching was not discarded until the early 1930s).

    So, these books may be "boring" but they can provide great historical background information.

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