How to speak to anyone

by darth frosty 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    One of the most recurring problems for those unplugging themselves from the BORG is finding new friends and establishing a new support group. I thought this was a great E-book to overcome that problem. I really have enjoyed reading it and it has taught me a lot.

    How to talk to anyone

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Sorry bout that, the above link is to a book on speed reading. here is the link to 'how to speek to anyone'.

  • Hortensia

    I downloaded it and started reading. I'll let you know what I think - seems like a useful thing. Thanks!

  • looking_glass

    Honestly don't you think the best way to speak to people is to take an real interest in them? The minute you seem interest and remember some thing a person said and bring it up again, they usually appreciate that and you can go from there.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    LG thats prety much what the book say it just outlines the steps and mentality thats needed. I dont know about you, but for me being bornin and raised a witness, I now find that certain social skills and etiquet (its late) where lacking. As a witness your constantly taught to be wary of worldly people, how satan is using them to get to you, and how they want you to be meserable like them. So if you can imagine this cult turns out a bunch of people who dont know how to properly interact with other's (read worldly people.)

    For me that resulted to a young man who immersed himself into the scripture's (as translated by the WT$) and comic books. Needless to say that is not the greatest combination to base your life on (at least the WT$ teaching comics are fine.) Add on to that the fact that you have a bunch of conditional friendships in the BORG that just expands your wariness of people and can cause some to become more introverted.

    I know for me I always would think 'I'm well read I can converse with someone on any given subject at legnth. What I did not understand (which this book and others helped me with) was the nuance of conversation. The need for banality in small talk. As a witness my conversation with others can best be described as a sledge hammer of facts, figures and beliefs backed up by the WT$ interpretation of things, there was no subtlety.

  • Hortensia

    yeah, ordinary conversation is still difficult for me, although I can expound on any number of things at great length. That's not conversation, though. I read part of the info on how to talk to anyone and it seems pretty useful. But, bedtime now. Will finish tomorrow.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle
    The need for banality in small talk.

    I need to understand and work on this. Chit chat drives me ca-razy, so I usually avoid it completely.

    But I'm like you, I could use some social skills, so I'll be reading this.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Noon bump

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