Aposta Crawfest in Dallas 5/6/07

by hambeak 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • averyniceguy

    Hambeak, you can thank me too. Highlander and I got it right the same time.

  • juni

    Thanks Highlander and silly monkey!!

    I see Ross and ?

    LT and Crumpy. You are so cute Crumpy!! LT you are a sweet person!


  • hambeak

    I am hambeak with the camera, Sparkplug in the cowboy hat. inbetween two guys, from Scotland, Crumpet in cowboy hat with broach Ross from Scotland with Jake drinking beer. Wish I had more but they didn't come out.

  • hambeak

    Juni that is Ross and Jake my other half

  • averyniceguy

    To clear it up, that is Crumpet with LittleRockGuy

  • hambeak

    Met rabbit, horible life and so many others WHAT WONDERFUL PEOPLE!

    Ip sec I liked your dip in the pool LOL

  • juni

    Howdy pardner!!

    How have you been? Jake is hot. Sounds like all had a fun time! Leave it to IP_SEC to dive in backwards in the pool w/jeans on. YaaaaHoooooooo!

    Happy you all had a great meet up. Sorry I wasn't there. Perhaps I'll make the Wisconsin fest - want to meet others.

    Love, Juni

  • hambeak

    Juni wish you had been there you are so sweet

  • juni

    I had to go back to the pic. Hey hammy you're hot too!!

    Decki is so perty. Who's the two on her side? If you can say.

    Ah shucks. Thanks guy.

  • Crumpet

    Juni - wish you had been there too! It was so amazing. I just got home and I miss everyone so much, specially my fellow floor whore Little Rock Guy. I love that picture Hambeak! And it was so cool meeting you and Jake - what a lovely couple you make and how pleased I was that you made it and looked in such good health in spite of the recent scares!

    The other pic is the best man from Scotland.

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