Help. How will the Society respond to the Child Abuse Settlements ???

by What-A-Coincidence 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • kwr

    I wish there was something independent to confirm this settlement. I went to Love & Norris but their web site is down right now.

  • Tuesday

    Are there any articles about this from the media at all to reference? *I would love to send them out to a few friends*

  • What-A-Coincidence

    the napa county courthouse has these 'articles'

  • timmycat

    We had a problem about ten years ago within our congregation, a few of the children complained to their parents about a so called brother, the elders set up a trap, and he was cought trying to seduce a children with words of enticement, he was handed over to the police and of course disfellowshiped. As a victim of child abuse myself (not in JW org) I well know the emotional trauma one can carry all of their lives. I was very upset when I heard about these cases, though wherever children are these sex fiends will be, and some to come into the org with these problems and are unable to change or never intended to, my point is that though I do believe that their are cases I also suspect their are some lies also and fabrication. I have worked with social groups and being brought up in homes ( where it was common, and many a feind would get work in childrens homes just to be near them, they were never screened back then) the problem today is with regress, and many a doctor will put the victim under hypnotheropy, I can tell you truthfully that certain things in regress do occure that are not truthful thoughts but rather fear factors. This by no means is an excuse for these perpitrators or for the society if by hiding these facts they condoned them. They will have to answer to Jehovah for this, and I for one wouldnt' want to be at the end of that retribution and justice for the these lambs.

    I hope that it is rather few than many, and that people don't loose site of the fact that we have a wonderful careing father in Jehovah and yes in his time justice will come swift.


  • VM44

    The WT Society will IGNORE the settlements. Other than the lame press release they gave concerning it, they will say nothing.

    They are going to let the news fade from memory. That is the reason for the "gag orders", they don't want anyone involved with the case to mention it in the future.

    However, the internet has a long memory.


  • angiebakerzatyahoo

    The following news quote on the Associated Press tells their response:

    The Jehovah's Witnesses, whose headquarters are in Brooklyn, N.Y., said Thursday that they were pleased to see the lawsuits resolved, declining further comment.

    "Our loving heavenly Father makes it clear in his Word, the Bible, that he abhors child abuse," a statement from the denomination said.

    "As an organization, we will continually strive to educate families and congregations with sound Scriptural teachings that they can use to protect their children from child molesters. And we will continue to do our utmost to protect children from this horrible crime and sin."

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