A group of people including former Jehovah's Witnesses will be protesting PBS television at 125 Western Ave. Alston, Ma. for electing to broadcast the controversial video "Knocking". This slanted and one-sided video praising Jehovah's Witnesses is not all the viewing public should be told about the Jehovah's Witnesses. What should be addressed in the video is how dangerous their belief system really is. The Watchtower organization has broken up many families and have hurt many people, even in aiding Jehovah's Witness deaths. It should also be stated that Jehovah's Witnesses carry the label of a destructive cult. If you would like to join in with this peaceful protest Monday, May 21, 2007 6:00PM to 8:00PM, contact Rick Fearon at [email protected] or contact us at (978) 851-7815
Protest "knocking" video in front of PBS television station in Boston area
by kool aid man06 11 Replies latest jw friends
Protesting a movie is for dim-witted geeks who beleive that they know what is best for other people to feed their minds on.
I have met Kool Aid Man, amd he is no dim witted geek. Now scurry on back to your kingdom hall.
Protesting a movie is for dim-witted geeks who beleive that they know what is best for other people to feed their minds on. Lumptard
You have just described the Watchtower Society's Faithless Decietful Slavetraders.
People have the right to create any type of art they choose. Protesting a form of art (film) is nothing more than a grandiose way of saying "waaahh!! This thing makes me uncomfortable."
Do you think that all films should be evenly ballanced in their view of a given subject matter? Where is it written that art can't be biased?
Not to mention, why are they protesting outside of a television station? Why not outside of the director's house? I mean, seriously, if you're gonna do something do it F*#k'n right...geez.
If all of the people who are going to protest want a ballanced movie on JWs, then why doesn't anyone make one instead of whining about it? You don't like it, don't watch it...It's not that hard...
(note: you'll notice that I'm not arguing the merits of the film itself, nor am I endorsing it because I haven't seen it. I'm merely pointing out that protesting a film is as intelligent as protesting the color of a fire hydrant)
Righty-o, Honesty, Righty-o...
You don't follow your own advice. Here you are protesting the fact someone else wants to protest. If you don't like the thread don't read it or respond to it, it's that simple.
PBS is supplying the venue for this show, that is why they are protesting at PBS. One man's art is anothers trash. They have a right here in the US to make their voices heard even if others don't agree. You could always go and be on the otherside saying how wonderful the org is, I'm sure your elders would love to see you get involved!
I wonder if the executive producer of the Mormon documentary would be interested in creating an other high quality documentary but this time on the Watchtower/JW. Flooding his email account would not be nice; We could send him a letter with a few hundred signatures. Someone care to get it started?
I'm not protesting that they want to protest. I'm saying that the subject of the protest is a weak issue. I love this thread because it shows the intolerance of the greater part of the xjw community. While JW's are intolerant of anything critical of JWs, a large portion of xjws are intolerant of anything that portrays JWs in a favorable light. It's funny, because it is exactly the same thought process as JWs have, but in the opposite extreme.