King Herod's tomb discovered, Israeli university says

by z 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • z

    Hebrew University announces discovery of Roman king's tomb at Herodium near Jerusalem

    Reuters Published: 05.08.07, 00:50 / Israel News

    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem announced on Monday the discovery of the grave and tomb of Herod the Great, the Roman empire's "King of the Jews" in ancient Judea.

    The University said in a brief statement the discovery was made at Herodium, where Herod's hilltop fortress palace once stood some 7 miles from Jerusalem.

    The university said it would give further details at a news conference on Tuesday.

    The Roman Senate appointed Herod "King of the Jews" in approximately 40 BCE. He was also well-known for the magnificent structures built at his behest. In addition to the Herodium fortress, he was responsible for the building of Masada and the expansion of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.

    He also created new cities such as Caesaria and Herodion. According to the ancient Jewish historian Falavius Josephus, Herod died in 4 BCE.

    Herod is mentioned in Christian tradition, as well as Jewish tradition: The Gospel of Matthew says heordered the "Massacre of the Innocents", the killing of all young male children in Jesus' birthplace of Bethlehem out of fear he would lose his throne to a new "King of the Jews", whose birth had been related to him by the Magi.

    According to Matthew, Joseph and Mary fled with baby Jesus to Egypt to escape the slaughter.

  • Atlantis


    Very interesting! Thanks for posting.

    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • heathen

    wasn't he the one who's belly exploded with worms whenever he boasted in himself?

  • Leolaia

    Well, that would be simply awesome if true. I look forward to what is announced tomorrow. And note that this would be an altogether different situation than the Talpiot tomb, as we knew since Josephus that Herod was buried in this location, and there have been many efforts to find his tomb there.

    I don't know if they'd do this, but I would think it would be fascinating to model Herod's appearance on the basis of his skull (with forensic modelling of musculature and skin), if again the find is confirmed.

    heathen....Bear in mind that similar stories circulated about Nadab/Nadin in Ahiqar, Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 2 Maccabees 9, and Judas Iscariot in Papias (= Acts 1), so its probably more of a topos (commonplace) of the deaths of wicked men than a real historical detail.

  • snowbird

    And upon a set day Herod arrayed himself in royal apparel, and sat on the throne, and made an oration unto them. 12:22 And the people shouted, saying, The voice of a god, and not of a man. 12:23 And immediately an angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost. 12:24 But the word of God grew and multiplied. 12:25 And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem, when they had fulfilled their ministration, taking with them John whose surname was Mark.

    Heathen, The above account can be found in Acts chapter 12. This Herod is different from the one whose tomb has been found. I'm still having trouble with copying and pasting, but I'm having a good ole time learning.


  • z
  • Mary
    heathen asked: wasn't he the one who's belly exploded with worms whenever he boasted in himself?

    I'm not sure if his "belly exploded" but he definitely had worms and died a horrific (and some say 'well deserved) death as described by Josephus:

    It began with a vague condition causing “uncontrolled anger” (Antiquities 17.148). Josephus tells us that Herod’s illness was considered to be “incurable” (Antiquities 17.150). Elsewhere, Josephus stresses Herod’s cruelty in his last days (Antiquities 17.164).

    When Herod’s illness “increased greatly,” a fever fell upon him: “The fever he had was a mild one, which did not so much indicate the inflammation to those touching as contribute to the malignancy of the innards. Because of this he also had a terrible desire to scratch, for it was impossible not to seek relief” (Antiquities 17.168–169). This was only the beginning, "...There was also an ulceration of the intestines with particularly terrible pains in the colon, and a transparent swelling of fluid around the feet. And similarly there was a malignancy in the abdominal area, as well as a putrefaction in the private member which was creating worms. His breathing had a high pitch, and it was extremely loathsome because of the disagreeable exhalation and the frequency of gasping. He also had spasms in every limb that took on unendurable force." (Antiquities 17.169) His doctors decided to move him to the hot springs at Callirhoë beyond the Jordan River, near where it flows into the Dead Sea. Apparently, bathing in the springs did not improve his condition, so his physicians decided to bathe him in warm oil. This nearly killed him (Antiquities 17.172). On Herod’s return to Jericho a melancholy seized him and made him enraged at everyone (Antiquities 17.173). As his pains continued to increase, he refused to eat. At one point he asked for an apple and a knife. It was Herod’s custom to pare apples himself. But instead of peeling the apple, he attempted to use the knife to commit suicide but was stopped by his cousin Achiab. By this time, Herod was no longer able to stand and five days later, he died (Antiquities 17.191) Wanna see his symptoms?


    • Muscular weakness

    • Mild fever

    • Intolerable itch over the whole skin

    • Strong pains in the colon from ulceration of the entrails

    • Transparent swellings around the feet as in dropsy

    • Malignancy in the abdominal area

    • Putrefaction of the private member, creating worms

    • Orthopnea or high-pitched breathing

    • Disagreeable breath

    • Dyspnea or frequent gasping

    • Spasms in all limbs of unendurable force

    • Fainting and turning eyes up as though dead, when immersed in warm oil

    • Melancholy and enragement

    • Inability to take food due to overpowering pains

    • Sustained convulsive cough

    • Attempted suicide

    Modern Diagnoses

    • Poisoning

    • Cardio-renal failure

    • Liver cirrhosis

    • Sexually transmitted disease

    • Cancer of the bowels

    • Diabetes mellitus

    • Cancer of the pancreas

    • Amoebic dysentery

  • gumby
    And similarly there was a malignancy in the abdominal area, as well as a putrefaction in the private member which was creating worms.

    Sounds like to me the poor bastard had dingeritis. There ain't nuthin worse than havin worms come out of the end of your dinger.


  • greendawn

    Interesting, I wonder when they will discover something about the ministry of Jesus and the apostles to prove that they were real historical persons contrary to what secular historians believe. There must be something hiding somewhere in Israel.

  • sinis
    Interesting, I wonder when they will discover something about the ministry of Jesus and the apostles to prove that they were real historical persons contrary to what secular historians believe. There must be something hiding somewhere in Israel.

    Probably never. Because they more than likely did not exist in the manner the Bible describes them. The bible is a wonderfull melding of fiction and non fiction, to the point that you cannot tell when one ends and the other begins. It would be akin to saying:

    Matthew 2
    The Visit of the JW's
    1 After BillyBob was born in Dallas in America, during the time of President Bush, JW's from the east came to Dallas 2 and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Americans? We saw his star in the east [ b ] and have come to worship him."

    So by writing true events, interwoven with mythic people or expounding on a real person (ie son of god) it sounds like truth, right? Where is the proof that BillyBob was actually born in Dallas America, if America burns to the ground 40 years later and all birth records conveinently go up in flames? Other sources of history record a President named Bush and a country named America and a city named Dallas - but have no records of BillyBob existing. Yet milleniums later you can fill in the blanks and get people to believe whatever you want...

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