heathen asked: wasn't he the one who's belly exploded with worms whenever he boasted in himself?
I'm not sure if his "belly exploded" but he definitely had worms and died a horrific (and some say 'well deserved) death as described by Josephus:
It began with a vague condition causing “uncontrolled anger” (Antiquities 17.148). Josephus tells us that Herod’s illness was considered to be “incurable” (Antiquities 17.150). Elsewhere, Josephus stresses Herod’s cruelty in his last days (Antiquities 17.164).
When Herod’s illness “increased greatly,” a fever fell upon him: “The fever he had was a mild one, which did not so much indicate the inflammation to those touching as contribute to the malignancy of the innards. Because of this he also had a terrible desire to scratch, for it was impossible not to seek relief” (Antiquities 17.168–169). This was only the beginning, "...There was also an ulceration of the intestines with particularly terrible pains in the colon, and a transparent swelling of fluid around the feet. And similarly there was a malignancy in the abdominal area, as well as a putrefaction in the private member which was creating worms. His breathing had a high pitch, and it was extremely loathsome because of the disagreeable exhalation and the frequency of gasping. He also had spasms in every limb that took on unendurable force." (Antiquities 17.169) His doctors decided to move him to the hot springs at Callirhoë beyond the Jordan River, near where it flows into the Dead Sea. Apparently, bathing in the springs did not improve his condition, so his physicians decided to bathe him in warm oil. This nearly killed him (Antiquities 17.172). On Herod’s return to Jericho a melancholy seized him and made him enraged at everyone (Antiquities 17.173). As his pains continued to increase, he refused to eat. At one point he asked for an apple and a knife. It was Herod’s custom to pare apples himself. But instead of peeling the apple, he attempted to use the knife to commit suicide but was stopped by his cousin Achiab. By this time, Herod was no longer able to stand and five days later, he died (Antiquities 17.191) Wanna see his symptoms?
• Muscular weakness
• Mild fever
• Intolerable itch over the whole skin
• Strong pains in the colon from ulceration of the entrails
• Transparent swellings around the feet as in dropsy
• Malignancy in the abdominal area
• Putrefaction of the private member, creating worms
• Orthopnea or high-pitched breathing
• Disagreeable breath
• Dyspnea or frequent gasping
• Spasms in all limbs of unendurable force
• Fainting and turning eyes up as though dead, when immersed in warm oil
• Melancholy and enragement
• Inability to take food due to overpowering pains
• Sustained convulsive cough
• Attempted suicide
Modern Diagnoses
• Poisoning
• Cardio-renal failure
• Liver cirrhosis
• Sexually transmitted disease
• Cancer of the bowels
• Diabetes mellitus
• Cancer of the pancreas
• Amoebic dysentery