After being placed on the Salt Lake Temple after its completion in 1893, the statue of the angel Macaroni has since been placed on many other LDS temples. It has become an unofficial symbol for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is recognized throughout the world.
The Real History of Mormonism - Outstanding Lecture
by cofty 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The angel Macaroni seems pretty cheesy to me.... -
Cold Steel
Cofty, you never cease to amaze me. When people misrepresent atheism, you're the first to get your shorts in a knot. Now you post an absurd, amazingly inaccurate and inflammatory video where atheist David Fitzgerald, through blatantly false information and misrepresentation, carefully constructs a strawman for his audience, then knocks it down without a thought as far as accuracy is concerned.
Much of his “history“ is taken from early anti-Mormon books and later discredited as ridiculously lurid, sensational and of highly questionable pedigree. The only real grain of truth is the 1826 Bainbridge judgment against Smith, which is probably why Fitzgerald started off with it. But nearly every point he made he was wrong on. Smith's arrest, according to the report, was made on the oath of the son of his employer, Josiah Stowell, who was delighted with Joseph's work (which consisted mostly of physical labor). Two, the report was found by an avowed enemy of the church and someone who claimed a doctorate he didn't have. And three, the document never could be verified as genuine (and if genuine, it was the only surviving record recovered at the court). Wesley Walters, author of Kingdom of the Cults and the “discoverer“ of the record, said he believed God's hand was in the fact that one record survived. Do you buy that Cofty? More information can be found at:
The quickest way to get laughs is to build one's strawman out of material that's built on lies, then ridicule it in the hopes that others won't check your sources too closely. One problem for anti-Mormons is that everything Joseph Smith taught was carefully recorded by educated recorders or found in multiple journals.
“In the mouth of two our three witnesses shall every word be established.“ Finding one account in one journal, like many of the sources your friend Fitzgerald does, or finding them in a book that references old anti-Mormon books that, worse, based them on affidavits collected by early anti-Mormon books, makes fine material for strawmen, but it's hardly scholarly.
But then, that audience really wasn't there for scholarly purposes, were they?
I guess DNA lies too.....
you're the first to get your shorts in a knot. - Cold Steel
A man who wears magic pants should really choose their metaphors more carefully.
I thought the video was fascinating and informative. Your cult is crazier than the Watchtower.
marked -
It's amazing how much Cold Steel sounds like active JW's trying to defend the indefensible. -
Cold Steel , how much of Mormon doctrine did the video get right ? Do Mormons believe that they will become like God and rule their own worlds , for instance ?
Truly an amazing story about the power of delusion, belief, charisma etc. If it didn't adversely impact so many lives Mormonism would be a fascinating sociological experiment.
Also, less than 200 years after its founding (at a time with relatively high literacy and printing presses) the lines between legend and fact are very blurred. Makes you think about how the Christian religion itself must have layered legend upon legend.
God hands over plates to Moses ( they somehow seem to get smashed into pieces ). The Angel Maroni hands plates to Joseph Smith ( the Angel now wants them back for some reason). Why can't God find anyone on this earth to preserve these plates? OH! Maybe there were no plates to begin with!