Crazy and unexplained letter from my son....(long)

by ButtLight 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight

    I’m laughing.....but still trying to figure this one out!

    I get a call from my ex husband asking if our son has a split personality or something wrong in the head! Why? He got a letter, supposedly from my son Chris, sent to himself!!

    On the envelope, it had my old address where we lived 3 ½ years ago on the top left side. He opens it up, and the letter is dated 01/2004. But the envelope was dated May 1, 2007.

    It says:

    "Hey Chris, what’s up? If you ever get this letter, by now you should be graduated from high school if you got good grades. I hope you and your dad are getting along better now. "
    There was some other stuff in it, (that I can’t post) and there was a picture of his dad’s truck drawn on it. (When he was younger, he doodled trucks quite often)
    It was signed "Love, Chris" LMAO

    Ok, now, I'm sitting here laughing thinking my son has a pretty funny, and wild imagination! When he came home......he swore he didn’t do it.....swore on all our lives. And jumped on the phone to ask his dad what the letter said.

    So then I call my daughter to see if she did it..........for a joke. She swears she didn’t either!
    Yes, it could be a funny prank to pull on Chris....but it would have to be someone that knew our old address, and his Dads address in FL. (That wouldn’t be hard to get)
    Plus, his dad swears its Chris's handwriting (which is bad!)

    So, this is what I don’t understand. (It couldn’t be my kids)

    The envelope didn’t have a regular stamp. It was stamped with a postal barcode……….
    AND? The zip code from where it was sent is in Midville GA! We don’t know anyone in Georgia!!

    I wish I new how to lookup the whole barcode, and find out Exactly where it was sent from!

    But for now, it’s a mystery!

  • JH

    When you get a hold of the letter, compare the handwrittings.

    As for the location where it was mailed....gee, that's a mystery. Maybe at the post office, they will be able to tell you more, just by looking at the bar codes.

  • restrangled

    BL...My wifes brother died tragically at the age of 19. His mother received a similar letter about a year and a helf later. It was a kind of "time capsule" project done by one of his high school teachers. You send a letter to yourself which gets mailed by the teacher years later. Thank god your son is still happy and healthy!!! Give him a big hug!!!

    r's hubby

  • funkyderek

    I'm a little hesitant to posit an explanation here but it seems fairly obvious that this letter was intended to be some sort of time capsule, maybe as part of a school project. i.e. Imagine what you'll be doing in three years time, and write a letter to your future self. It's possibly the sort of thing someone could forget writing, maybe actually seeing the letter would jog his memory. It seems too elaborate and pointless to be a hoax.

  • ButtLight
    You send a letter to yourself which gets mailed by the teacher years later.

    I agree with you and funky........And I suggested that to Chris a few days ago. Only problem with that is it still goes back to........why did it go out of Georgia, and not Wisconsin?

  • candidlynuts

    that is so bizarre! maybe he has a twin and they've been switching out on you all these years lol

  • restrangled
    Only problem with that is it still goes back to........why did it go out of Georgia, and not Wisconsin?

    The teacher moved... being from the Great MidWest (home of some of the nations hardest working, friendliest and most down to earth folks) she took it seriously and mailed them from her new home state...Georgia.

    r's hubby

  • Seeker4

    Probably the teacher, or whoever was responsible for mailing the "time capsule" letters when the time limit was reached, had moved or was on the road.

    Kind of neat idea.


  • ButtLight

    All along I thought that it was a school project......after he denied sending it. I thought he could have forgotten about it since it was so long ago. It never crossed my mind that the teacher could have moved, and taken it with them though......That has to be it!

    I feel like calling his old school, and asking if they did is a pretty neat idea!

  • restrangled

    I feel like calling his old school, and asking if they did is a pretty neat idea!

    If that draws a blank stare then you can email a member of his graduating class reunion comittee and ask them....usually found at the HS website.

    r's hubby

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