I was having a very interesting conversation with a co-worker that is a "born-again christian" and is a very nice guy. He is very hard-working and everybody loves him to death. One reason I like him so much is because he lives the role of a christian and not just "announce" every 5 minutes that he is born-again like alot of christians I know. Well the other day he made a comment that just threw me for a loop. We were talking about the book of Revelations and he said "It is ashame that all of the Jews are going to burn and be tortured in the Lake of Fire". I thought at first he was joking because I have known him for many years and I never heard him "denounce" another religion. Then I was talking to a good friend of mine at the job who is Jewish to get her imput on my born-again friend and she said most born-agains believe this but many of them won't say it out loud and will be "politically correct" instead of saying what they really feel. She said just ask born-agains point blank if they believe this and you will never get a "yes or no" answer but only a dance with them. So I am going to put my friend to the test "Born-Again Christians" of all denominations yes or no do you feel the same way my "born-again" co-worker feel about Jews and that they are headed for the lake of fire if they don't convert?
"Born-Again Christian" co-worker's Anti-Semetic comment distirbs me.
by booker-t 24 Replies latest jw friends
Two issues with this.
1. There's no such thing as a non-born again Christian. I know the stereotype believer you are refering to but it has NOTHING to do with being born again.
2. In view of (1.) you definitely NOT get a "dance" on this from most Christians. By far the majority will say "No" because they don't believe that or have no idea what you are talking about.
So I say No.
Two issues with this.
1. There's no such thing as a non-born again Christian. I know the stereotype believer you are refering to but it has NOTHING to do with being born again.
2. In view of (1.) you definitely NOT get a "dance" on this from most Christians. By far the majority will say "No" because they don't believe that or have no idea what you are talking about.
So I say No.
Amen to that!
BTW, booker-t:
We were talking about the book of Revelations
Could you tell us where this book is? It's new to me, but you may be a better Bible authority?
Pubsinger you just proved my Jewish co-worker's point and gave me the longest dance. If a person were to ask me if I believed this about Jewish people and the Lake of Fire I would say "No! No! No! without hesitation or "explaining" as you did. This just leads me to think you really believe Jews are going to burn. I bet you are the first person in church clapping to the minister's sermon on Jews going to hell.
No No No No No No No No No No No No No
That clear enough for you?
Oh dear, booker! Your ignorance is showing.
OK, christians believe that all not in christ are destined for hell. There is heaven and hell, OK? Now that is the destiny of all people, Jews and Anglos and Africans and......well, everyone.
There are varying opinions on what hell is, ranging from eternal separation from God (my favored) to a burning hell, as I assume you were referring to.
For born-again Christians, the issue is not whether or not the person is a Jew. The issue is whether or not the person believe's in Jesus as their Savior.
I have met many people who are what some would call "completed Jews". This means they are of Jewish decent and have received Christ as their Savior.
Rejection of Christ on Earth = an eternity without him
Acceptance of Christ on Earth = an eternity with him
Mrs Smith
OK, christians believe that all not in christ are destined for hell
I'm a Christian and I don't agree with this comment at all!! Romans chapter 1,2 ,3 and 4 clear states that those who live by the law will be judged by the law (meaning the jews) and those who belive in Christ will be judged by Christ. I don't for one second think that the jews will all burn in hell. We will all be judged according to what we truely believe. Read the first 4 chapters of Romans and see for yourself.
I actually heard it said once that the whole lake of fire thing has already happened, and the Jews were thrown into it by Hitler. I remember it being argued that the term 'HOLO-CAUST' actually meant 'burnt sacrifice' and Hitler seriously considered himself to be doing the will of the Lord.
Then, of course, isn't it usually agreed on that Hitler wasn't fully aware of the death of so many Jews, it was just nasty bastards like Himmler who gave out those orders?