i am new, maybe this has been discussed, however, if i am not mistaken, witnesses are allowed now to accept blood fragments. is that right? if it is, those fragments have to come from donated blood. are witnesses allowed to donate blood? i am no doctor, but, from what i've read, it takes alot more blood to get usable amounts of fragments than a normal transfusion takes. so, if a j.w. needs blood fragments, do their loving brothers and sisters rush out to donate?
here's what i want to know
by bigdreaux 13 Replies latest watchtower medical
Great isn't it!
Now I wonder why the FDS can't see that
if a j.w. needs blood fragments, do their loving brothers and sisters rush out to donate?
No they don't. They can take blood fractions, as they call them, but can't donate any.
Can we say hypocrites? Sounds right to me
No, they are parasitic in this way they receive blood products but do not give any blood, I wonder what happened with their claims that "donated blood is potentially infected, dangerous and best avoided, already many people got nasty infections from transfusions". Now this is no reason to turn down blood. Meanwhile many died for not taking blood fractions when they were prohibited.
Here is what's allowed
- Albumin
- Immunonoglobulins
- Hemophilia preparations (Factor VII & IX)
- Hemodialysis
And what isn't allowed
- Whole blood
- Plasma
- White blood cell (Leukocytes)
- Red blood cells
- Platelets
- Storage of blood outside of the body
Actually, their refusal to accept white blood cells, or leukocytes, is completely illogical,
as they do accept organ transplants, which contain more leukoctes than blood as they
are distributed through the body's tissue, so a jw who accepts an organ transplant is
willingly, and withthe watchtower's approval, allowing a banned component of blood
into his body. Also, I remember when they used to boast, and maybe they still do, that
not accepting blood made them less vulnerable to developing transfusion-borne AIDS,
yet hemophillia preparation, which they accept, is known to have been a major cause
of transfusion acquired AIDS.But when has the watchtower really done or said anything logical regarding health
practices anyway? -
This is a very good question. A JW can not donate blood but can take blood fractions. It shows how stupid the Watchtower blood policy is, and another area where JWs leech off society.
Unfortunately JWs are so indoctrinated they can not see the problem. I asked my mother how she reconciles this obvious flaw. She said Jehovah will rectify it in his own time. I asked an elder on my JC about it. He said that blood fractions are a conscience matter, so anyone that feels this stand is wrong can decide not to take blood fractions. Any person with the slightest ability to reason can see those responses as illogical ways of avoiding a stance that can not be justified.
The Watchtower Society's 'Revised' Blood Policy is specifically designed with the following class of JW in mind:
The latest (which is not very latest) word on donating blood:
WT 61 - 1/15 - If, however, he refuses to acknowledge his nonconformity to the required Christian standard and makes the matter an issue in the Christian congregation and endeavors to influence others therein to his support; or, if in the future he persists in accepting blood transfusions or in donating blood toward the carrying out of this medical practice upon others, he shows that he has really not repented, but is deliberately opposed to God’s requirements.
And Russell made a lot more sense in this matter:
WT 1906, 4/1 - It was not intimated that abstinence from these things would make them Christians, for nothing but faith in Christ and consecration to him and endeavor to walk in his steps could constitute them Christians
On the "Knocking" forums one of the apologists there stated that if you actually corner someone in the know and ask about donating they will concede that donation is allowed provided you state that the donated blood is to be fractioned before use. Apparently the Red Cross allows this stipulation.
This was based off a letter to the society that he did not provide.
So officially, looking at the last thing printed by the society says members cannot donate blood. Back door questioning may yield a "new light". Just like fractions were officially approved well before their acceptance was published, I would assume this is the case.
When I get some spare time I intend to write to the society asking for clarification on their stance of donating blood for fractioned use. I don't mind vilifying the society for wrongful practices, but I like to have all my facts in order before doing so.
I'll post the reply if/when I get one.