As with most of fundamental Christianity, everybody was supposed to get "the feeling."
The problem for JW's was that the original leaders anticipated or at least said that
the end was coming around the next corner- and they hung onto that 144,000 as
a literal number. Suddenly, there might be too many JW's. They had to change their
Since the change, they have had to repress "the feeling" that all Christians are supposed
to get. They are not successful in all cases, so there's the remnant. Their control is
pretty good, so most JW's know that they shouldn't get "the feeling." As they reach out
to establish franchises in new less-developed territory, many there aren't under their spell
totally, and were taught by Christianity to have "the feeling." There's why the remnant is growing.
Many of the anointed are mental-cases, because many JW's are mental-cases. I say that
as a faded JW, not a mental-case myself. It's just that this Chicken Little Cult attracts
many fatalistic people and mental-cases, along with us others. If you were a mental-case and
nobody wanted to talk to you, then two nice ladies or men said they could come by every week
and discuss life, you would be thrilled. They keep coming back because the mental-case makes
it easier to get their pioneer hours. WIN-WIN. Another mental-case joins the chicken coop.
"The feeling" is perfectly normal when you think you are serving God correctly. Don't make
that feeling the litmus test for mental defects. Most JW's are now helped to avoid "the feeling"
because they never really serve Jehovah perfectly by WTS standards. They don't study 4 hours a
day, or they hope nobody answers the doors while preaching. They don't pray enough or don't
avoid R-rated movies. In other words, they are more balanced than devoted JW's should be, so
they are sure they shouldn't have "the feeling." Afterall, the Leaders Society says so.