We often hear it said: Love the sinner, but; hate the sin.
We try and reform the child molester. We put career criminals through rehabiliation. We let the drunk driver off with a fine and a warning over and over until an innocent family is wiped out.
Why separate the deed from the doer? Aren't we fooling ourselves?
Our personality stems from who we are as an identity. Our behavior is OUR behavior and is not a causeless phenomenon. We must own what we do. To create a false dichotomy between what we are as thinking beings and the activity we engage in purposefully is to lie to ourselves.
There are no causeless crimes. There are no innocent evils. We do or do not do according to our thoughts, ideas, compulsions or choices. Otherwise, everything is excusable.
Hitler becomes a rather nice fellow who simply had wrong ideas and needed some love and therapy. The Nazis who murdered 6 million Jews were patriots zealous for a purer race who were mistaken about their Anti-Semitism.
Every evil deed is causelss unless we see the person behind the deed and hold them accountable.
Nothing comes from nothing.
WE are the world. The evil in the world stems from what evil men do.