Crises of Conscience

by ex-nj-jw 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TheCoolerKing

    Hey relax nj! I felt the same way after I read C.O.C. I was mad as hell. Especially after I read that the GB would make important issues based on a 2 / 3 majority vote! And here I thought that they prayed all night before they carefully came to a wise decision...NOT!!!

    You could also pick up Ray Franz's sequel book, "In Search of Christian Freedom". Another good book, but not quite as shocking as the 1st one. But you might want to calm down a little before you buy the sequel book!

  • Warlock
    Sometimes a good kick in the arse is what I need

    You just got one.


  • ex-nj-jw

    BB - LOL thanks, I needed a laugh, a little uptight today

    What-a-coincidence - I'll try Awaken, Thanks for the tip!

    Drew - exactly, I'm angry at the GB and WBT$ I thought the same thing, praying giving serious consideration prior to making decisions, HA!

    The Monster - Thanks, whew thought I never get out!!!

    War - HaHa, I thought you were leaving???

    CoolerKing - it's on my reading list!!!

    Thanks guys, this is a great place to vent!!!, usually you get a good laugh after you've vented

  • truthsearcher

    I had to keep putting the book down, pace around the room a bit, work off the anger and stress, then pick it up again, only to put it down several pages later, pace around the room a bit... well, you get the idea--it took me a long time to get through it, then I had to start from the beginning again because I missed some of it the first time.

    Especially after I read that the GB would make important issues based on a 2 / 3 majority vote! And here I thought that they prayed all night before they carefully came to a wise decision...NOT!!!

    I was especially surprised to hear about the ones that slept through the discussion and then woke up to vote, or who had not considered the topic to be discussed before the meeting, no Bible study before hand, just going with the party line... This is supposed to be Jehovah's spirit-led organization, carelessly making decisions and policies that affect the minute details of their followers lives??

  • middlechild

    I had made up my mind to keep all my thoughts about the organization to myself but when I read that book it made me want to try to expose everything to my family. I ended up saying a little too much because of how empowered I felt and now my sisters are shunning me. Oops!

  • Shawn10538

    Who wrote the Bible by Friedman is high on my list of books to read after Crisis of conscience. You'll find that the whole business is a wash.

  • Thinking of Leaving
    Thinking of Leaving

    I just ordered a copy online

  • lrkr

    I was mad at first. and then glad that he wrote the book. If he hadn't gone through that, how many people would have never woken up. His books and experiences are the source of strength and freedom for many.

  • timmycat

    Maybe they prayed before they voted, one has to vote to see if they are in agreement by the majoriity, how do we know if they prayed.

  • DoubleVision

    Hi ex-nj

    Thats how I felt too, angry and I just had to tell someone. Thats where you get in trouble.

    You can't just start talking to the people you thought were your friends. That's what I did and

    I got what Middlechild got, shunned. At least it did'nt get back to the elders so I didn't have to

    face that.

    Ray's next book was very good. It really helped me to get a clearer picture on scriptures or

    at least a different look at them. I think his book along with all the information and discussion you

    get here and through other web sites helps you to defend yourself spiritually when talking

    with others.

    Hang in there, the anger will pass.

    Just do the best you can.


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