"Mature" JW's READ THIS:

by Honesty 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    The great majority of them are never happy afterward. They carry this feeling of rejection and anger around like a scorned woman.

    I thought jehovah's witnesses did not associate with those who leave. Seeing as how you don't associate with them, how do you know what "the great majority" feel? I am one of them, and I can tell you without reservation that I am happier and less judgmental than I ever was as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I guess I'm the minority though, right? ;-)

  • Monkeyironfoot

    For the Beroean

    Maybe you should ask the JW's BETTER questions like, why over the years does much of our "new light" become "false light"? (i.e. Why Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were not resurrected in 1925 as taught by the JW's).

    Why "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" DIED?

    How can we tell if any future "new light" will end up being "false light" as our past has shown us?

    Where does the bible teach that the JW's became God's Organization in 1919?

    Why does the New World Translation add the word Jehovah to the New Testament even in places where the New Testament is not quoting from the Old Testament despite the fact that not one of the 5,000 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament contains the tetragrammaton?

    Where does the bible teach that membership of a man-made religious denomination is a requirement for salvation?


    Why are we so afraid of those Damm Smurfs?

    You also stated..."Did I start lambasting the Baptist Church because my family didn't come to my first no. 2 talk? No. Did I start up a web site dedicated to "Exposing" the deacons, preachers, and their delinquent children when my uncle told me I was not allowed in his house?"

    This may be "new light" to you but the JW's have been attempting to expose many other religions through their literature way before you were born. The JW's have there own website where they too attempt to expose other religions as being false. Here is the link... The End of False Religion Near.

    A Watchtower article as well...


    w6311/15p.688par.3ExecutionofDivineJudgmentupon FalseReligion***"It is not a form of religious persecution for anyone to say and to show that another religion is false. It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion."
  • timmycat

    That is why I and other born again believers come on this board... to draw JW's away from the Watchtower Society and to real peace and joy that you can only find in Jesus Christ.

    Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Quit serving your imaginary Jehovah and start groveling in front of MY imaginary god - Jesus Christ - or you will burn in hell forever and ever. And that's the TRUTH? Get outa here.

    You worship the trinity......or plato....or constitine......triune gods......born again in what sense.......deny the creator and worship the son of..... where in the bible does it say that Jesus is Almighty. only Jehovah is called Almighty.....without Jesus and belief in his sacrifice I would have no hope and that is what witnesses teach, though we pray through Jesus we don't worship him as Jesus himself only worship Jehovah, Mth 4:6 and as youre redeemer said Let You're name, not his but his fathers be sanctifie Mth6:9 he came to do his fathers will, and always gave glory to his father. That is what it formost the santification of God's name, and I suppose he was praying to himself in Gathseme, and on the before his death he prayed for his father's spirit to help him remain faithful. Jesus was not a nutter where he divided himself, he spoke truth, he was and is the truth, the son of the living God Jehovah.

  • NanaR
    The great majority of them are never happy afterward.

    How would you know?

    I am much happier now. And I have a great many real friends (the kind who love you without judging you).

    Happy XJWs come here to help others who have either left or been expelled from the "organization" to learn that there IS life after the Watchtower. Jehovah's Witnesses are such a closed society that those who leave must basically start their lives over from scratch (especially those who, like me, were "raised" in the organization). Also we give support to those who have stopped believing but must still "go through the motions" in order not to LOSE their entire family.

    When my husband left Roman Catholicism to become a Witness, his very large and very Catholic family did not disown him. They were upset with his choice, but they have loved and supported us both and our children in the over 30 years since.

    If a Witness, however, becomes a Catholic, their Witness family will treat them as DEAD... BIG difference!

    Why would anyone who is a loyal Witness hang out on a board of XJWs?

    Methinks the Beroean doth protest too much...


  • coffee_black

    Welcome Beroean,

    Who is telling you that those who leave are miserable? Whoever told you that is deceiving you. Every xjw I know is far happier after they leave than before. I was raised a jw and stayed one until I started realizing what I was part of. It took me two years to come to a decision to leave, once I started researching because it was all I ever had known. I was 41 when I formally disassociated. I have never regretted that decision for one moment. It was the right decision. My conscience would not allow me to remain part of the deception that is the watchtower.

    Every area of my life is better now...my relationship with God, my relationships with my family...friendships...career... everything.

    I come here occasionally to see who else has escaped the clutches of the watchtower...sometimes finding someone I once knew as a jw and can reconnect. It's like surviving a hurricane and looking around to see who else is left standing. It's also important to help people who are going through the trauma of losing everyone and everything you once held dear. The process is painful...but worth it.



    re: "never happy after leaving".

    The point i'm trying to make is the majority of exJWs spend a great amount of time talking about JW. If you are so happy to get on with the rest of your life, why keep bringing up things that caused you so much pain? Is it like the phrase, "misery loves company"? Furthermore, when it comes to "associating with exJW's" you're right. Why would I want to associate with someone that every time you talk to them they have something negative to say and a "woe is me" mentality? I don't associate with them per se. But, reading the messages posted on this board by exJW's really paints a vivid picture of their lives. In my local congregation I see how those who decide to "dis" themselves react when a member of the congregation doesn't speak to them in the store, at school, at work, ect. It's like they become "bent" on some kind of retribution or something. Let it go.

  • Junction-Guy

    Dear Mr.Beroean, I was raised a JW, but now a Baptist. Im much happier now with my choice of religion than I ever was as a JW. My Baptist relatives showed me what true christian love was all about, and that is one main reason Im no longer in your Cult.

    I have seen both worlds (JW's and Christendom) and your world does nothing but destroy children and stifle their potential.

    But most of all they lie through their teeth to propagate their false doctrine.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Beroean, you must be picking out the negative posts. There are just as many positive posts on this board, and this board is merely small sampling of ex jw's. I rarely talk negative about jw's, and when I do it's in response to things said that I don't deem accurate. I'm not hurt or bitter about the religion, disillusioned and disappointed are much more accurate words. Think of how a kid feels when he finds out that Santa Claus is a made up story. The feeling is similar. That doesn’t mean, though, that I’m unhappy. In fact, I only drop by this board every few months.


    Junction Guy,

    How is "Burning in HELL for eternity" good for a child's psyche? What about an adults psyche when the tithing reports come out at the end of the year? "Gee...your mom and dad must not love Jesus much. They only gave $5,000 to the church." Or perhaps, being told, "The reason your best friend was murdered is because God called him home.". Yes....I can see how "Bad associations spoil useful habits" is far worse. Thanks for the insight.


    John Doe,

    Every few months? Your post history would contradict that thought. Maybe this is therapeutic, cathartic, or even mental masturbation. I don't know. But you find some kind of relief perusing this board more than "every few months".

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