Latest UN info; 7:00 pm eastern time

by biblexaminer 45 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cyberguy

    Thank you so much, "biblexaminer," for you diligence in this UN matter! I wish the best for you and your family and that you can mitigate any stress that this latest fiasco has brought! Please post the UN response as soon as you get it. We're waiting with keen anticipation!

  • tdogg

    Fine work. I know this issue is very impotant to many here and I am also very interested, but it is understandable if the UN is not. They have people dying right now and others in severe jeperody. I dont know if the WTS is going to recieve much of their focus. Any official acknowledgement of this issue would help us tremendously however.

  • r51785

    The UN does not care about the WTBTS position on the UN because the WTBTS is irrelevant to 99.9999% of the world. It's as if the Rotary Club of South Peoria passed a resolution condemning the UN. Would the UN care? Of course not.
    Will any JW's leave the organization over this? Probably not. The important thing here is that the WTBTS is not going to be able to use the status as a UN NGO to legitimize themselves with governments. My congratulations to those who worked to expose this deceit.

  • anglise

    Does the french and other goverments know that this cult no longer has ngo status and thus is no longer quite so respectable and mainline as it once claimed.

    Are the french goverment still persuing their claim against the wtbts.

    Can this lack of status now be used in other ways?

  • Kophagangelos

    Good that I know what the WTS has done in last days!

  • TheOldHippie

    Why couldn't Biblexaminer just have asked the questions he liked to ask, in stead of mixing in all that bullshit along with it? Why not do like others I know have done, namely write a letter to the Watchtower asking about it? Why lying about facing divorces, loss of house, friends etc.? Letters never hurt if you write them to find the answers.

  • fodeja
    Why lying about facing divorces, loss of house, friends etc.?

    What makes you so sure he LIED, modestly exalted heart-reading meekest of brothers? Do you know anything about his personal situation?!

    Why don't you just stop asserting and start thinking, just for a change?


    (edited to be slightly less offensive)

  • cyberguy

    TO: "TheOldHippie," in regards to "biblexaminer," he has his heart in all this mess, and it looks like he poured it out to this UN representative! Although it may be unfortunate that he may not have used choice words, or rather, went overboard, still I'm sure his sincerity has shown right through! So, don't get so bent out of shape! I suspect that if you were in his situation, you would have reacted the same way! After the smoke clears, I only hope we have a documentation-trail that can be left for posterity.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Bible Examiner and all the others,

    thanks for sharing with us this experience, and

    also precious information.

    “What he would do.
    He said that he would be willing to draw up, on UN stationary, a letter stating that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has voluntarily withdrawn association with the United Nations Department of Public Information as an NGO as per October 10, 2001. “
    Let’s wait and see “ this letter” and its OFFICIAL ONE!
    Trilobite: Excellent reasoning, I do agree with you.
    and I do really like this comment:

    “On another note, we should emphasize the following; the article in the Guardian included the opportunity for Paul Gillies to refute the accusations. He didn't do it, or the reportere was being dishonest. Obviously it is the former. However, dubs should be encouraged to get the WTS, and Gillies in particular to explain their nonsensical remarks. Gillies is a lowdown liar and any heat that can be applied to him will be productive. If I were in charge of the WTS operation I'd dump Gillies as the idiot he is. If he gets dumped then who knows what he'll say; clearly the man has no bottom.”

    Logical and true. The WTBS is not a man of courage and ...he LIED
    as simple as that, but in his own eyes I do suppose it’s the old “ theocratic
    war’ strategy “ theme.
    Thirdson: “I take it that on Monday the UN was a "good" body and today it is a "bad" body. It would seem in withdrawing their association with the UN/DPI the WTS considers the UN to be a "bad" body. What does the UN think about that? And what about the faithful JWs?
    Excellent comments! The WTBS still thinks very ...poorly about the entire
    “ worldwide brotherhood ..”!
    Belbab: “My thoughts are let's keep up the pressure.
    For decades the WT Org has distributed millions and millions of pieces of literature that portrayed the UN as a disgusting thing. They will continue to do so. Their retreating from the NGO involvement demonstrates that their position regarding UN has not changed.
    We need to point out the UN that it is imperitive for them to identify what the WT has done to their reputation by identifying them as the beast of Revelation. “

    Very good indeed, “...Let’s keep up the PRESSURE “ !!!
    Farkel: “Without the "beast" and the "Great(tm) harlot", the WTS has lost a major whipping boy for their message of hatred. And doom.”

    Logical reamrk, their main F E A R and HATRED !!!
    R51875 : “The important thing here is that the WTBTS is not going to be able to use the status as a UN NGO to legitimize themselves with governments.”

    A fine reamrk indeed, after all 20,30,60 days ago WHO would have
    imagined such OUTCOME!
    Ciberguy : “..After the smoke clears, I only hope we have a documentation-trail that can be left for posterity.”

    I do like your final comment...let’s hope we can get OUR HAND into something
    T A N G I B L E !!!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • TheOldHippie

    Fodeja, who ever told you I was "meek"?

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