Whoa! Terry! You wrote stuff. You said:
I think we need to take a step back.
(Oh man, me too. For me, about thirty years would be way kewl. I liked my early twenties. Maybe you're talking about time travel! I wanna go back and hit Hitler on the head with a floogelhorn when he's about twelve and see if it alters the time line. N stuff. You know?)
You cannot have Greek words without Greek thoughts, ideas, concepts and, ultimately, Greek RELIGIOUS VIEWS.
("When in Rome do as the Romans do, but when in Greece DO IT GREEK STYLE! Oh BABY you know what I like! 'Chantilly lace, a pretty face, a pony tail hangin down....')
As the Rabbi down the street said to me one day, "All translations are LIES."
(The rabbi down the street says to ME "You goyiim should all be commited! You're MESHUGGENAH!")
The Septuagint came along at a time when Greek ideas swarmed over Judaism and bowled it on its collective arse.
(Collective arse...hmmm...is that another allusion to Greek style? Ya gotta axe yourself dis question bro...why did GODAMIGHTY [sweet BABY Jesus!] bring about this collective arse-bowling? Hmm. Arse-Bowling For Dollars! I think we have a weiner on our hands!)
This had happened once before when Judiasm was swallowed up by Babylon and spit back out again with a garbled theology.
(Jesus dude..collective arses..Greek style..swallowing and spitting..you need ot GET YOUR BRAIN OUT OF THE GUTTER and into a nunnery. Those chicks are HORNY! Ugly, but HORNY! Are you SURE that this wasn't "God working all things together for the good of them that love him." ? [Romans somewhere...eight?] )
By the time Alexander the Great had conquered all the known world the Jewish religion had been masticated and sewn back together bionically.(Masticating! RIGHT OUT IN PUBLIC! HAVE YOU NO SHAME SIR? NO DECENCY? I'll bet your sister is a THESPIAN and you are yourself a HOMOSAPIEN! "Bionic Jews." I like it. I think it should star Will Smiff. )
Greek language, ideas, religion and PHILOSOPHY overwhelmed what was left.
(Overwhelmed...ummm...oh yeah...overwhelm me baby...yeah...omigod)
The NT is steeped in a Judaism possessed by the demon of Greco-Roman philosophy, religion and reasoning.
(Aw nuts dude, now you're using words like 'steeped." That's for tea and other old bat stuff. I do like Greco-Roman wrestling. Especially with gals! Oh, and since when did "religion" and "reason" become related in any way? )
You don't just translate the Hebrew words into Greek words. You filter old-fashioned (read: failed) ideas into a vibrant and superior mode of thinking.
(I think I'm catching your drift. Dude, go a little easier on the beans and radishes. )
Jesus would not have been viewed as a god-man without the Greek ethos.
(GREEKS have an ETHOS? Man, will the peeps at my wifes Grek Orthodox church be SURPRISED! Thye've been calling it their *CENSORED* for, like, milennia. N stuff.)
Go back and take a good hard look at Jesus' conversations with the Pharisees.
("Good hard." Once again your mind is in the GUTTER, EXACTLY where God put it! I'll have you know I have an actual stone-recording of some of Jesus' conversations with the Pharisees. I'll send some to you for just 999.99 plus postage and handling.)
If you cannot see SOCRATES, then, you are missing the whole point.
(I'm lost..forlorn..woe is me...So-crates is dead n stuff and I can't see him! Wait! I'll have a SEANCE! Those are always way kewl! I'll invite over some chicks and...nah, my wife would never stand for it. Or sit for it. Though she might lay for it. Barking for it is out of the question though. What the hell were we talking about?)