Hi ya'll - This subject might've been addressed before, but I missed it if it was. My daughter and I were talking the other day about how it's taught by the witnesses that anything one might buy from a yard sale, garage sale, or eBay(lol) - could be 'infected' with demons. When dd was studying, the sister told her a first-person account that a Tupperware bowl she'd bought at a garage sale that supposedly wreaked havoc in her home - she was physically attacked by an incubus-type demon - and it all stopped when she threw away that plastic bowl. I've heard other first-hand accounts of inanimate objects containing demons - in one case it was a dubious magazine that also held an incubis demon. To me, it's all such a load of crap and fear-mongering. In the Bible, demons are said to inhabit people and animals, but if there's an instance of them inhabiting inanimate objects, I guess I've over-looked it. Do demons only bother the superstitious? Can one really trap 'ectoplasm' in a Tupperware bowl? []
Perhaps the best defense against them is indifference... I don't know. But from the stories I've heard, it seems to be believed by many JWs that the more sincere one is in their worship, the more severe the persecutions from 'the dark side'. Having never been bothered, and being a sincere person - I just don't know what to make of it - other than it's a huge load of crap - lol. In my youth I was exposed to a few people that I now believe were 'possessed' - but none of their demons ever attached themselves to me - in fact, I feel like I must've been protected somehow... but why, I don't know. Why would God protect me, but not protect someone else? Maybe my indifference is the difference and demons are attracted to fear. Weird...
I've never bought into superstitions, even as a kid. I've heard some wild ones - my ex said that if you watch someone drive away until they're out of sight, it's a bad omen for them - maybe a car accident or something. Well, I purposely put it to the test, rebel that I am, and nothing ever did happen to him... darn. Lol. His folks were from Kentucky and they had so many superstitions about everything it was crazy. My own mom wouldn't let us open an umbrella inside - bad luck -- walk under a ladder? Bad luck on you. Spill salt? Better give some a toss over your shoulder or a pox on you. Break a mirror? Ahhhh - 7 years of bad luck! (well, that might explain some things.... not! lol) And the 'knock on wood' thing - such rubbish for otherwise semi-intelligent people. I just don't get it at all.
Not believing this stuff was what helped me out of the borg, tho'. When my mother died several years ago, my siblings and I divied-up her belongings and all of a sudden I had a house full of furniture and all my 'share' of Mom's stuff. A pioneer sister told me that maybe my depression was caused by demons attached to her personal belongings. Uh - hello - my mother DIED you dolt - that's why I'm depressed! Idiots. It took me a few munutes after she left to digest what'd been implied - then I was MAD! Mom's old knitting needles had demons? Or maybe - the Tupperware?!!! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh - run for the KH! It was a definite breaking point for me.
And now, as an 'apostate', I'm viewed as demonised too. ( I eventually transended the depression, which was WT induced... hmmm... maybe it was demons after all! )
I thought maybe last week's WT article would say something about the matter, but it didn't. If so many witnesses are besieged with demon problems by buying garage sale kitchen items - why wasn't there any mention in the article?
If anyone can shed some light on this I'd appreciate it, or - just tell me I'm right and it's a big stinky irrational LOAD!
~Watkins~ (of the non-superstitious class)(knock-on-wood) LOL