Very Touching, Check it out.
by watson 14 Replies latest jw friends
Beautiful Video
I hope everyone will take the time to watch it.
The scenes with the service men and women and their children shows how much they don't take for granted being able to make it back home.
Thanks for sharing.
Wasanelder Once
I take issue with the script of the montage. They are not fighting for us. They are fighting to stay alive. It's obvious that its a sham war and a profiteer's paradise. These men and women volunteered to be in the service and it is their choice to do so. No one is forced. What liberty has been secured by killing 100,000 Iraqis? Sorry, I'm touched by the human condition, not the circumstance. I am not against defensive measures, but this was a joke from the start. Pull them out and let the fools consume each other. Every death has been a waste and did nothing to secure our freedoms. Wave that flag and whoopdeedoo, gotta do something to make sense of the death of Fathers, Brothers, Cousins, Husbands, Sons, Daughters etc. Its a sad situation. The best support that can be given to the soldiers and their families is to bring them home NOW before any more die for the Bush conglmerate.
That was powerful. Thanks for sharing the link.
So, when is GOD going to take care of his creation and do away with the wickedness?
1 kings 18:27-29,
I know real soon.
DoubleVision -
I have traveled from Austin to Detroit to welcome my nephew home from the war. I'm staying with my brother and his wife and I've never seen anyone prouder. The excitement is in the air. They can't stop talking about him. They've planned this day for months. His car is being waxed and tuned. There will be banners and steaks on the grill. They've even set up a blind date with a nice girl. It feels like Christmas Eve around here. There are even a couple of wrapped gifts awaiting him. ........I've taken the time to get to know their feelings about the "war" and found that they've bought the line that if we don't fight them there we'll have to fight them here (probably because they need to believe that their son is fighting for a noble cause. Let me tell you something, though, they loved that boy (he's 19) just as much before he joined the Army. The support that he gets from his family is the kind of support that every parent should give their own. They send him a package every 2 weeks. It's been 10 months. They talk on the phone a couple of times a week when he's not on the road.
I've been very opposed to the war since the beginning. I am very concerned about my nephew. I would wish for the cause to be noble but it doesn't mean I don't care about him. If I had the same passion for my convictions that my brother and his wife have for Rocky then maybe those boys would be home a few minutes earlier. If all of us who hated this war were to actually do something......even banners, backyard BBQs and meeting plans, then maybe they'd be home a few days, weeks or months sooner. We talk. We listen. But what do we do.
In spite of my personal political difference of opinion with my family, I love them. I love being with them. I have been touched by the love in this family. I don't feel the need to openly contradict their opinions. I want them to be true their beliefs. I want to feel the love. I want to give love.
I take issue with the script of the montage. They are not fighting for us. They are fighting to stay alive
I take a small point with Wasanelder Once comment above. I agree that this is a sham war, based purely on the selfish motives of George Bush and his partners in crime. It should never have been started.
However, I have fought in Iraq and also Afghanistan and I have lost friends in combat. Yes, in the heat of a fight, soldiers are fighting only for their own survival and that of their frineds to their left and right........not for ideologies back home. But, having said that I know a great many service personnel who joined up to do some good. They join up to defend people who can not defend themselves. They joined up with an honorable purpose in mind. They do actually join up with the romantic notion of fighting for "us". That may be misguided, but it is the truth.
The author Rudyard Kippling said it well: "Gentle people sleep safely in their beds, because rough men stand ready to do extreme violence on their behalf."
The video is extremely moving and makes a good point. The politics of the war may be right or wrong, and people are entitled to their opinion, but the soldiers deserve our full support in their individual actions, because they are prepared to risk everything as a result of their strong sense of duty and sacrifice.
We live in a wonderful world where we can each voice our opinion, no matter who it offends. But it would do people well to remember that we only have the freedoms and rights because soldiers were prepared to stop just talking and debating, and actually defend these rights by making the ultimate sacrifices.
Regardless of our thoughts on the war, (I personally disagree with it now, although I supported it at the time I went in with the invasion force) we should 100% support the individual soldiers.
Thanks for posting the video.
I respect the soldiers but not the ones who start the wars without having to fight it. If they could stop the killing in those areas it might be worth the effort but it will never happen.
Ken P.
Wasanelder Once
"We live in a wonderful world where we can each voice our opinion, no matter who it offends. But it would do people well to remember that we only have the freedoms and rights because soldiers were prepared to stop just talking and debating, and actually defend these rights by making the ultimate sacrifices."
Sorry but at no time were our "Freedoms and Rights" at risk because of Saddam or his government, except due to his oil holdings which we had under control with an embargo and restrictions by the U.N. In this war, that is not the case Any soldier who supresses that reality is in their own world. The misguided fighting by these U.S. forces has increased the influence of Al Qeida (sp) in the world. The Iraqis are nothing more than victims as well.
I said I appreciate the humanity, the loss, the pain of absence and loss, but I do not feel that it has been for the reasons you propose. A person fooled into shooting themselves in the foot is not a hero, they are a victim either way. Do you think the Iraqi people have truly benefited individually from this action? You think we should support and appreciate the troops, what of the Iraqi people? Shouldn't we appreciate how they have been impacted by this Gung Ho imperialistic action of this government and its all volunteer Army?
WWII, yep, fought for a cause, get rid of fascism. Clear cut. Not this time. Not a cause, a product. You don't have to send care pakages of support if you bring them home now. You don't have to support them in burn units, if you bring them home before they are burned. You don't have to have a parade for their memory if you bring them home NOW.
Sure the video was touching on a human level. I repeat, they are volunteers, the majority of whom wanted to get out of some podunk town or were in the N. Gaurd for exrra money or a way to limit their active service. I'm sure there are a few John Wayne types, but that doesn't mean I have to support the mess their commander in chief gets them into.
Just bring them home and stop playing taps for anymore people who are suckered into this killing field.