Information on Great Pyramid Passages, Volume II by John and Morton Edgar. This is the rare 1913 edition published by Bone and Hulley in Glasgow, Scotland.
This book is mentioned in the October 15, 1913 Watch Tower, page 306 (Reprints p. 5336) and could be ordered directly from the Watch Tower Society: "MORE ABOUT THE GREAT PYRAMID"
Brother Morton Edgar has recently issued a very neat little book dealing with the Pyramid, and corresponding in size and shape to the Karatol and India paper STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES. It is on India paper, cloth-bound, two shillings (fifty cents.) We are informed that it treats the passages of the Pyramid very critically and finds that many of the measurements are closely corroborative of the time
features of the Divine Plan presented in the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES. We are advised that it gives seven different corroborative proofs that the close of the year 1914--namely, about October, 1914--will mark the closing of the Times of the Gentiles, and the beginning of the Messianic Reign. Many of the dear friends are rejoicing in these corroborations.
Any desiring to procure these books can send their orders to our office, or directly to Morton Edgar, 224 W. Regent Street, Glasgow, Scotland." THIS BOOK IS ALSO RECOMMENDED IN THE FINISHED MYSTERY, page 60: "Morton Edgar, author of Pyramid Passages, has found foreshown in the Great Pyramid of Egypt abundant evidence of the accuracy of the Bible chronology of Pastor Russell and the supplements thereto supplied by
Dr. John Edgar, deceased. These findings are set forth in his work, Pyramid Passages, Vol. II, of which we recommend sections numbered in the following table…"
This book is part of the literature which was produced in the second half of the 19th and the early part of the 20th century which sought to confirm biblical chronology with measurements inside the Great Pyramid of Egypt. This idea was accepted up until 1928 by those in association with "Judge" Rutherford and is still accepted by various Bible Student groups today. Much space is taken in this volume to defend the chronology of 606 BC and a 70 year desolation.
The Edgars were close friends of Russell and wrote many items which were circulated among the Bible Students of that era. Morton's brother John was even named in Russell's will as a possible member of the
editorial committee for the Watch Tower magazine. (See the December 1, 1916 Watch Tower, Reprints p. 5999.) Interestingly, Frederick W. Franz, the fourth president of the Watchtower Society credits reading John Edgar's booklet "Where are the Dead?" as instrumental in helping him join the Bible Student movement. (May 1, 1987 Watchtower, p. 24).
Research by the Edgars was published in various Watchtower publications:
November 15, 1904 Watch Tower, Reprints, p. 3459
June 15, 1905 Watch Tower, Reprints, p. 3574
The June 1, 1910 Watch Tower, Reprints, p. 4621
August 15, 1923 Watch Tower, pp. 253-254
Edgar's works are also referred to in the December 31, 1924 Golden Age, pp. 209-211 and on pp. 163, 355, 357 of the 1923 Watch Tower.
Volume One of Great Pyramid Passages was advertised for sale in the August 1, 1910 Watch Tower, Reprints, p. 4658 and could also be ordered directly from the Society.
Most people are more familiar with the later editions of Great Pyramid Passages, which were published in 1923/1924. These later editions were greatly revised to reflect the unfulfilled expectations the Bible Students regarding 1914. Some of the statements that can be found in this 1913 edition:
"This "parallel" method of reckoning is merely corroborative of many time-prophecies which point both directly and indirectly to 1874 and 1914 A.D., as the respective dates for the beginning and end of the "Harvest" period at Christ's Second Advent, when he comes as "Chief Reaper, and when the destruction of
this Present Evil World in due to take place." (Page 95)
"The cut-off in the floor of the Grand Gallery now indicates, by this method of doubling, the date 1878
A.D.; and the few years of waiting till the end of the Gospel Age "harvest" in 1914, when we believe
that the last member in the Body will have entered into his inheritance and the New Covenant made
operative (Rom. 8: 16-19), is indicated by the further southward cut-off in the Grand Gallery floor (See
diagram on page 110, and compare with drawing on page 102). In this way the two parts of the cut-off in the
Grand Gallery floor mark the dates of the beginning and completion of the resurrection of the Body of
Christ, while the north wall of the Grand Gallery marks the resurrection of Jesus the Head (as already
proved by other time-features)." (Page 108)
"We now find that the date 1915 A.D., when we understand that the perfect human life which Jesus Christ sacrificed will first directly reach the world (See Matt. 20:28; John 6:51), is also indicated at the lower opening of the Well-shaft." (Page 175
"To confirm our faith in this time-feature of the Scriptures, the Divine Architect provided another
corroborative time-measurement in the Great Pyramid, which demonstrates that the Pit, the symbol
of destruction, indicates the period of the "day of vengeance," 1874 to 1914 A.D., when the destruction of this Present Evil World is due (Isa. 63:4)." (Page 189)
"By the year 1915 A.D. this Present Evil World will be swept into utter destruction, Gehenna, symbolized in the Great Pyramid by the Pit." (Page 225)
"We have seen how the length of the Grand Gallery, which symbolizes the upward walk of the spirit-begotten Church, corroborates the Scriptural teaching that the date of the completion of the body of Christ is Autumn
1914 A.D. (Sec. 12). And in Section I9 we saw that this, the "fulness of the Gentiles," will coincide
with the termination of the Times of the Gentiles. The final glorification of the Church is therefore delayed till the ordained term of Gentile dominion expires (Rom. 13:l)…
"The 'glorification of the saints will therefore mean the destruction of the Gentile nations. This forms the other aspect of the Seven Times of the Gentiles, and is represented in the Pyramid by a direct measurement of 2520 inches which, like the former, begins at the point which marks the end of the first Seven Times, and terminates at the roof level of the Pit, at the point which is vertically in line with the south wall of the Grand Gallery. (Compare diagrams, pages 262 and 201)." (Pages 260-261)
These are just a sampling of these sort of statements. There are literally dozens of references to 1914 and 1915 in this volume. The PDF is fully searchable. Some fruitful searches might be "1914", "1915", "1874", "1878" and "Russell".This volume provides an interesting insight into the Bible Student movement at this critical time in their history and the material in this volume is relatively unknown by most researchers. Download instructions: (Approx. 19MB)---Rare 1913 Click the link below and when the next page appears scroll down to the bottom and a small (red arrow) will point to the download link. Cheers! Atlantis-
1913 "Great Pyramid Passages"/Edgar/Vol.-2/Rare--PDF!
by Atlantis 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
I don't think that most Jehovah's Witnesses realize how important a role pyramidology played in the early movement of the Bible Students. Whole public meetings were devoted to the subject with charts and graphs demonstrating the teaching that the great pyramid was the "stone" of testimony in Egypt. Russell believed that the measurement of the inner chamber confirmed his dating system. And as ludicrous as it seems today, it is an important part of the history of the Watchtower organization. One that it would like to erase.
Very true! Thank you for your comments!
Cheers! Atlantis-
Sarah Smiles
I just love this Pyramidology research! For the JW some of this is meat at due season. :-) Yet they are not suppose to read any book prior to 1935.
It was and still is a big thing for me that the meat was pyramidology.
I remember a very dear friend and I went through her Watchtower volumes and I found a 1955 article about Jesus coming to the temple to cleanse the temple of pyramidology food from satan.
Oh well!
Most people have not even investigated the information concerning the use of the pyramid in conjunction with Russell's writings, and its almost divine dimensions . I remember the first time I heard of the pyramid being used way back in the day, I was bothered and really disillusioned, but now that I have researched why the Bible Students still use and consider the pyramid valuable I really see how much damage Rutherford did to the Bible Student movement with all his controlling doctrines and changes. Learning about what I feel is the truth concerning death and the resurrection, that the Bible Students explain in detail helped me tremendously when my daughter died, I thank Jehovah for guiding me to them since her death.
Nevatis...what can I say....I love you
"In the passages of the great pyramid of Gizeh the agreement of one or two measurements with present truth chronology might be accidental, but the correspondency of dozens of measurements proves the same God designed both pyramid and plan…" (WatchTower 6/15/1922 p.187), WAIT....
"It is more reasonable to conclude that the great pyramid of gizeh, as well as the other pyramids…were built…under the direction of Satan the devil." (WT, 11/15/1928 p.344).
Tee hee - I asked my last Dub-visitor how 1914 is calculated...they're getting back to, lol.
Sarah Smiles: PinTail: Ninja: MidwichCuckoo: Thank you friends! The Watchtower had many who believed deeply in pyramidology.
Daughters Of The Tower The Institute of Pyramidology
[192?- Present]Adam Rutherford....(no relation to Joseph) a pyramidologist started this group. A Bible Student who got most of his inspiration from the Great Pyramid. He published an extensive 4 volume set on the Pyramid and it's teachings, along with the journal Pyramidology Monthly still published today, he wrote numerous books, booklets and tracts.
The 4 volume set mentioned above can be found here:
The object of these books is four-fold:
To give enquirers who know nothing of the subject an idea of the great weight of evidence and amazing facts in support of the conclusions of Pyramidology.
To provide a simple explanation for beginners in the study of Pyramidology.
To provide the experts with the results of the most recent research to date.
To supply keen Pyramid students with a book which they can circulate widely in order to spread the wonderful message of the Great Pyramid.
This 4 Volume set of books, perfect bound with a night-blue hardback cover inlaid with gold block is available only while stocks last.
They present an in-depth view of the 'Christ' in connection with God's Divine Plan of the Ages
Will the impending discovery of the 'Hall of Records' confirm all that is written here? Why not send for a set today and learn in advance the secrets of the Great Pyramid?
Cheers! Atlantis-
Thanks, Atlantis, for this info. I hadn't connected Adam Rutherford with the Bible Student movement before. Has anyone seen his works? Does he follow in the Smyth/Russell/Edgar interpretation of the Great Pyramid? Does anyone know if Adam Rutherford's works are available online?
If I believed in Satan, this woud reek of the occult. Good work man, I was wondering where this came from. Huff