I've been on dates with very nice women. But we just don't match up in the beliefs departments. So...any single non-religious women on here? Any that you can recommend? I thank you ahead of time for your input. Profile available upon request.
Any Non Religious Single Women on here?
by What-A-Coincidence 37 Replies latest jw friends
I'm sure there are plenty.
I thank you ahead of time for your input.
Uhhh IPSec here.
You do realize that atheisim, unbelief, and non-religious are religions in-and-of themselves right?
IPSEC got banned?
My universe is upsidedown.
IP_SEC, for someone who was so hell bent on never coming back here less than 2 weeks ago, you certainly seem determined to keep posting here.
the age of man
I hath decided yall need me
Madame Quixote
Isn't there some kind of search function on this board to find the atheist posters?
I am an atheist female, 42, not seeking the company of men, but if I come across any like-minded females (who are seeking the co. of men), I'll point them your way, WAC.
Good luck, sweety!
Well now Jane just arrived to stay with me from England( I am in Canada) she doesnt know weather she believes in God or not .She is 41- Mother a JW, Step Father a JW-
Is out running at the moment... Is a real sports nut!! Interested?????
Thanks Gals. I am in my early 30's...looking between 25-35
Thanks Madame Quixote
Mouthy - pref. in the U.S. and kinda more fitting my age range. Thanks for looking out!!Someone that shares the following concepts:
as seen in http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/132292/1.ashx......open minded atheist. I don't believe in a single omnipotent morally-incorruptable being, but I don't discount the possibility that we owe our existence to some greater/higher being or beings? - Dark Knight JWD
Atheist's Wager:
- "You should live your life and try to make the world a better place for your being in it, whether or not you believe in God. If there is no God, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is a benevolent God, he will judge you on your merits and not just on whether or not you believed in him." - as posted by NVRGNBK
"God? If you're real, if you care and if you're listening, thank you sincerely for my life. If there's anything you want of me, do let me know. I remain open-minded. - as posted by Confession"
I will soon be DA'ing myself so in due time WAC shall be revealed. -