I've been on the pills (Actos 45mg Metformin 1000mg 2x daily) for a couple of years now. Can't get my A1C below 7. My doctor finally convinced my insurance company to give me Byetta. Started it yesterday and I can not believe how low my sugars have fallen. My sugar this morning is 116 it has never been below 150 in the morning. Any one else taking Byetta, how does it work for you...
Any Diabetics here...
by zeroday 14 Replies latest jw friends
I'm a diabetic. I guess I should ask my doctor about Byetta. I have to take insulin as well as Metformin. I hate the Metformin because it upsets my stomach and causes *ahem* diarrhea. Sometimes, I don't take it. Does the Byetta cause diarrhea?
I should clarify, I'm type 2 diabetic. I don't know if type 1 diabetics can take Byetta... Not sure though...
Not diabetic yet, just glucose intolerant. I'm controlling by diet, and I hope to keep it that way. I have an employee with diabetes, though, and when she switched to the needle she had almost instant relief. Now she wonders why she took so long to switch.
If the new medication has finally dropped your sugars, great! Do keep up your regular habits of diet and exercise, though, and test through the day. You might now drop unexpectedly, and that is no good. I'm learning to spot the signs, and sometimes I'll hand over an apple and insist she eatnow.
I hate the Metformin because it upsets my stomach and causes *ahem* diarrhea. Sometimes, I don't take it. Does the Byetta cause diarrhea?
Yea it does the same thing to me. I don't think Byetta does although when I started it yesterday I was sick as a dog. Side effects when starting Byetta are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea dizziness headache feeling jittery and acid stomach. I was kind of nauseated and dizzy but it didn't last to long. It shouldn't last to long according to the directions...
Now she wonders why she took so long to switch.
My doctor tried to get me on it last year but my insurance would not approve it till I was maxed out on the pills. Byetta is $250 a month. I'm just so jazzed I have never seen my sugars this low. Your right I will need to test more often during the day to watch it.
Type two here. I started Byetta was sick also but it did nothing for me. I take Lantus insulin and Humalog.
Jgnat what does glucose intolerant mean? Do you get dizzy after eating sweet things? Is it like a mild form of diabetes or an allergy to sugar?
Glucose intolerant means that my natural insulin reaction is impaired. If I dose my body with too much energy all at once, I feel sick. My blood sugar starts out between 5.9 and 6.9 mmol/l in the morning and rises all day (a diabetic's dream). A regular person would be able to naturally reduce the sugar in their body. I will eventually become a type 2 diabetic. If I am very careful and eat as a diabetic must, I can delay the onset for a long, long time. Or so I hope.
Glucose intolerance is not an allergy to sugar. I could have a small amount without impairment. I am healthiest if I eat small balanced meals all day.
I was diagnosed with type 2 in February of this year, I was put on 500 mg Metformin once daily for one month now my doctor has me on 500 mg Metformin twice daily, the side effects are just awful but I spent 6 days in my mothers hospice room watching her die from complications to type 1 diabetes and I will do whatever it takes to get it under control. My fasting number this morning was 124, the lowest it's been in all the time I have been testing. Cutting the carbs is hard for be because everything I like to eat is chock full of carbs. Grammy