
by Vernon Williams 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dedpoet

    Hi Vernon and welcome to the forum.

    I just checked your website, excellent work. I will put a link to it on my own website

  • seek2find

    Hi Vernon. It was good to talk to you on the Phone this AM sorry if I woke you. I like the look of your web site. I will be checking it from time to time to see how it's progressing. Welcome to JWD! PM me any time you like. seek2find

  • Quandry

    I somehow missed your first post. I would like to welcome you to the board, also.

    A very nice website. Do you have alot of family in the org.? You do seem to be very happy. I hope to be happy one day, too.

    I was born in Mo. and have been to Springfield. Beautiful area.

  • TD

    Greetings Vernon,

    Hope you and your family are well.


  • Fangorn

    Vernon I liked the approach at your web site. The fact that you are not frothing at the mouth is refreshing.

  • Warlock

    Welcome Vernon. That looks like a nice site.


  • Sunspot

    Hello and welcome Vernon

    I just saw your post on another thread and I happened to see this one now. I quickly scanned the website you cited, and the first thing that caught MY eye---was the "Are You Exhausted" very appropriate!!!

    I am not familiar with Channel C.....I have heard of it but never got interested in reading or posting there (don't even recall WHY now) but their loss is our gain. I have one badge of valor for being kicked off the AOL boards (ALL of them) because of a complaint by a JW on a "Trinity board" that the JW was bashing. Go figure. (And AOL boots you off ALL boards when you mess up on "one")

    Let us know if you have any results from the JWs (or studies) that leave because of your efforts on that website....



  • Lo-ru-hamah

    Welcome, Vernon.

    I was born about 20 minutes from Monet in Aurora and I know you know my parents. Looking forward to your posts.

    Nice website.


  • Sparkplug

    Hi Vernon! My best gal lived there for years and was in the congregation there. It was there they faded.... It is quite a small place Monet is. Anyhow, she post here now and again. I lived in st James for several years. I do miss the wine. Can't get it here in Texas. Welcome again!!

    OH, Ps.. I bet you worked with my ex-husband. He worked there I think at the chicken place. lol

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