Well the Witnesses are right about something

by slimboyfat 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    It seems clear that Witnesses have inflated and distorted figures on earthquakes since 1914 in order to bolster their belief in the end times. Their claim that diseases are on the increase also seems a bit incredible when you consider all the medical advances and extension in life-expectancy in the last century. As for famines, well they are terrible when they still happen, but history shows that this is one problem humans are starting to get to grips with compared with previous centuries. But what about wars? I have always thought the Witnesses did have a point to make on that score, and what I read recently confirms this somewhat:

    The hundred years after 1900 were without question the bloodiest century in modern history, far more violent in relative as well as absolute terms than any previous era. Significantly larger percentages of the world's population were killed in the two world wars that dominated the century than had been killed in any previous conflict of comparable geopolitical magnitude. Although wars between the 'great powers' were more frequent in earlier centuries, the world wars were unparalleled in their severity (battle deaths per year) and concentration (battle deaths per nation-year). By any measure, the Second World War was the greatest man-made catastrophe of all time. And yet, for all the attention they have attracted from historians, the world wars were only two of the many twentieth-century conflicts. Death tolls quite probably passed the million mark in more than a dozen others. - Niall Ferguson



    SBF..WBT$ owns 50% of the Rand Cam Engine Corp..Rand Cam recieved a 500 million dollar contract from the U.S.Navy..WBT$ is heavily invested in war.....They`re trying to give God less people to kill at Armageddon..And..Make a few dollars doing it.....It will help cover the costs of the pediphile law suits...OUTLAW

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    What, there were no wars or rumor of wars in biblical times, of course plenty, people in those times were many times more fearful of being attacked by an unknown force

    Globally man has been waring with each other since day one, small tribes, countries, races and even religions have been waring. The intensity of wars during the twentieth

    century was only heighten from increased population growth for it's centralized regions.

    In biblical times it was believed that wars, famine, disease, lawlessness, earthquakes whatever was caused by the evil god Satan the devil and his evil forces.

    Today modern educated rational thinking men have walked away form such ideology........thank goodness for all humanity.

    The witnesses are right about nothing, they are a publishing house of uneducated ignorance and it's very obvious and apparent if you read any of their magazines.

  • Arthur

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

    One Scripture that does not get nearly as much play by the Watchtower Society is Matthew 24:23,24:

    "Then if anyone say to you, 'Look! Here is the Christ', or, 'There!' do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones."

    If Jesus returned invisibly as the WTS asserts, that would certainly require someone to declare: "Look, there he is!" Also, the WTS preaching campaign in over 200 countries could certainly be characterized as a great sign and wonder couldn't it?

  • PrimateDave

    If you think that a lot of people died in the 20th century, then consider that over 99% of the people alive today will be dead by the end of this century, and there are millions yet to be born that will die by then as well. Even though the majority will probably die from "natural" causes, the 21st century will be the Century of Death like no other in human history. And it won't have a thing to do with Jay Hoover and the late J. C.


  • zack

    The population of Earth broke the 1 billion mark in 1930. So many more people are available as death statistics simply because more people are ALIVE.

    Things that may have affected 1,000 villagers 200 years ago, would now affect 100,000 townfolk today.

    The WTS loves doomsday. It can't sell anything else. Oh, did I mention they were evil?

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Nice one Arthur.............One could say that the WTS. are modern peddlers of false prophesy, that even the bible mentioned would be !

  • SixofNine

    He's simply wrong. More violent in "relative" terms: no, "absolute" terms: maybe; but then again we've had a much more densely populated earth than ever before (and admittedly an explosion in weapons technology). Get it, "explosion"? Hah!, I kill myself. Get it, I "kill" myself?

    And then there was the Taiping Rebellion, 1850-1864, with an estimated 20-30 million killed.

  • Blueblades

    Anyone can point out historical facts. Nothing special about that. Wars have been with us since the beginning and it grows and grows, casualities get bigger and bigger. Before this century is over and done with a Nuclear bomb will be used and the numbers of deaths will be off the charts. Nuclear Winter will follow. I hope that I'm not right about this.


  • Leolaia

    It is worth noting that war became bloodier because of technological advances, and these did not start in 1914. In fact, one can see that the US Civil War in many ways foreshadowed the kinds of losses seen in the two World Wars; according to the following website, 3,800 Americans were killed in action per month in the Civil War, 2,800 kia/month in the Great War, and 6,600 kia/month in WWII.


    Of course, this is an incomplete tally of losses for the international wars (not counting non-American losses), but it shows that the Civil War was a strong precursor of what lay ahead in the twentieth century (compare 55 kia/month and 75 kia/month respectively in the Revolutionary War and in the War of 1812). Problem for the Society is that the Civil War preceded 1914 by many years. Rather than a completely new state of affairs being introduced in 1914, the kinds of losses seen in the Great War continued the trend that was already in place, thanks to evolving military technology and strategy. Since WWII, there has also been a steady decline in the number of people killed in combat, again thanks to technological and strategic changes. WWII seems to have been the largest and deadliest conflict in human history (60-65 million killed), with nothing approaching the magnitude of that war since. It has been estimated however that the Mongol conquests of the thirteenth century claimed 40 million lives, and the An Shi Chinese civil war of the eighth century claimed 36 million lives, both claiming a far greater proportion of the world population than WWII did.

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