"Religions tell us we have to give up this life for another ...

by serenitynow 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • serenitynow

    give up our desire, passions, pleasures ... What type of comfort is that? 'Die while you are alive so you can be alive when you are dead?'"

    This was a thought-provoking quote I read on the weekend from a French philosopher Michael Onfray, particularly when we know how much one gives up for life as a dub.

    Thought it might provoke some interesting discussion. I'm so bored and need some mental stimulation.

  • Arthur

    For many JWs, bowing down at the Watchtower alter and paying homage to the Ted Jaracz squadron is a small price to pay for an eternity of sitting next to a waterfall, eating grapes,and playing with lion cubs.

  • LongHairGal

    This was the one concept I could not wrap my mind around when I was a JW.

    Here we are given life and then religionists tell us we should not "live" it. We should squander our life force now like sand in an hour glass, in hope of a "future" life. Does this make sense? Why were we put here in the first place if not to live? And, I am not talking about "sinning" or abusing anything. I am just talking about the basic things that the JWs have the nerve to tell you that you should do without.


  • zack

    This is something I reinforce to my friends. I am alive TODAY. I my be dead TOMORROW. The postponement of life, of dreams, of goals, of LIVING is very

    detrimental to a person's emotional and mental well-being. Solomon said 'that whatever your hand finds to do , then do.... because there is NOTHING in Sheol the place where we are

    going.' That sounds a lot like "Live your Life now."

    Religionists want you to be under their control and use fear to keep you there. Once you lose the fear, they get very frustrated.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Ya, I agree. I don't think religionists are dealing with the reality of here and now. If you fill your head with anything other than reality then you have no tools to work with in the real world. If a person tries to be good even with no religion what more can you really ask of them? It's hard enough in this world to be that way. Then you got the witnesses scenario, in which even if you are towing the line and following all the rules it's never good enough. So why even bother. Is all these ridiculous rules making god happy? It's silly and petty. We already have tons of rules. Its called the law.

    The funniest thing is that even though they see themselves as virtuous, in private they sin all over the place and are no different than anyone else. Well, actually there is one difference. They sit in judgement upon you. I think the bible calls that a hippocrate. I tend to like the phrase " offspring of vipers' better though.

  • daystar

    Common amongst many popular religions is that this life sucks and come "next life" is bound to be better. Pure escapism.

  • SirNose586

    I think the carrot that keeps these dubs trotting--as opposed to going to heaven when you die--is the possibility that they don't have to go "beyond the veil," as CT Russell would say, to get their reward. They can just wake up, still be alive, and get those panda cubs and grapes. No guessing what heaven will be like. No relying on God's memory. Furthermore, even if you do die, you get resurrected no matter what you do.

  • Terry

    Religion is used as a Life Insurance Policy.

    The premimums you pay vary, but, usually consist of paying lip service, money, spending time and conforming to rigid rituals.

    Whenever you have somebody standing between you and god representing "religion" you will see a person with their hand out. You seemingly are giving to God, but, what you pay goes into a hand that is all too human.

  • startingover

    Thanks for the great comments on this thread.

  • heathen

    I think the term religionists is braud . The fact is that most don't believe they have to sacrifice anything but just show to church on occassion or give ten percent , most do not demand people spend their free time selling magazines trying to convert others . The mormons and J- dubs seem to be the most controling religions , why you can't get to heaven wearing blue jeans according to the WTBTS ...............

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