New Here...Am I Apostate???

by Sirona_Celtic 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Chrissey


    I just had to read your post simply because of your subject line. I will never forget the first time I was deemed "apostate"; 1997? I think. I asked what happened with the memorial, and why I showed up on the wrong day for it (i had long since subscribed to the WT, but had gotten Nisan 14 parallel to the solar calendar from a Jewish website..little did I know it was a "leap" year on the lunar calendar, so there I was 4 weeks late for the Memorial...When I asked my one family member who was still talking to me (I had been df'd for over a year) how the dates could have gotten screwed up, POOF! I was an official "apostate".

    I hear what you are saying about the title "apostate", it does denote a wicked devil presence, and when I heard it in reference to myself, it scared the bejeezes outta me!!

    The way I figure, when they are asked a question they honestly do not know how to answer, then the person asking it "must" be from the Devil, otherwise why would they actually be thinking of something that hasnt had new light shed on it??? (hmmm, now that I think of it, I wonder if *we* are all the annointed, and *they* are all the great crowd, since we seem to come up with all the good stuff to ask???) Annointed=Apostate=Annointed? What a vicious and wicked apostate I am!!!

    But I wear the title proudly!! If they want to call me a word that doesnt exist, then the weight of that title lies in the reality.... I am what I am , and not what they SAY I am.....

    Okay, enough of my rambling...I was up talking all night with a new beau, and well,,,,Im at work,,,exhausted and rambling to stay awake!!

  • Sirona_Celtic

    Hi Chrissey,

    Yeah, it hurts to be labeled. I've even been told by one person that I've "turned my back on God". I replied with "no, I've just turned my back on the Watchtower who are wrongly claiming to be Gods prophet! That comment has confirmed to me that you consider that anyone turning away from them is turning away from God. Thats wrong"

    Anyway, I've just been out and bought a copy of the Guardian with the new article in it. I hope that this gets out more in the press because maybe those people who labelled me apostate will eat their words!


    Ps, Six of Nine, Jezebel eh? LOL

  • airwlk149

    hi sirona! welcome!!!!!! :)

    "apostate" and the term "worldly" are the two terms that leave a bad taste in my mouth. they are labels. but if you think about everyone is "labeled" at the kingdom hall. I am personally "inactive" but you could be "active". if your active, your either just a "publisher" a "pioneer", whether you are an "auxillary" or a "regular" is up to you. then there are the "ministeral servants" the "elder's" the "PO" the "CO" and the list can go on and on.

    i know i sound like i am rambling on and making a point that everyone here already knows. but the jw's swear that they are unlike "false religion" and they don't have titles or ranks. BULSHIT! they sooo have special ranks and privileges. i mean come on, my ex boyfriend didn't get disfellowshipped because both his dad and fleshly brother was on his committee, and my dad was barely on the "school".

    let them call you apostate. well, they will no matter what. try not to let it bother you so much. they call me things behind my back and at first it irked me SO much, but now i could care less. i am much more happier having them call my stuff and not being there than to be there and everyone being all fake. jw's are the meanest religion. i am personally turned off by religion now.

    do what makes you happy. they claim that they can give you "eternal happiness" but only you can do that.

    i wish you all the luck in the world.

    with all my love,

  • Sirona

    Hi Katie

    Good point about the labelling. I hadnt really thought about that so much believe it or not!


  • Prisca

    Hi Sirona,

    I can't add much more to what the others have said, except that my sister has occasionally said that I "sound like an apostate" which is the closest she can get, without acknowledging that I am an "apostate"

    Because you are not active in the congregation, the elders may give you some space (and, hopefully, some peace!). But if you push the issue of the NGO/WTS or other issues, they will then consider you "a danger" and may take some action against you. So I would suggest to lie low until this all blows over, and you might be able to try a different tactic.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Sirona and Katie,
    So many true and good things were said already!! I don't have that much to add. But I certainly understand the feelings you are having.
    Just had my first real brush with shunning a couple of weeks ago. I thought it would hurt me. But it just made me angry. And helped me to see how ludicrous it all really is.
    Just keep your chins up, good things are in store for those who make it happen.

  • Sirona

    Just chekkin if my pic appears!

  • Francois

    Hi Sirona:

    Seems to me you took up the JWs on their challenge "Why It Is Wise to Examine Your Religion" and the JWs lost.

    It got to the point with me that I wondered if people who cut me out of their lives because I could no longer put up a pretense of believing what I knew to be a lie were worth knowing in the first place.

    I've been out now for 25 years, and I've made many, many friends who don't give a rat's ass what I believe, or if I believe just like they do, or jump through their G.D. hoops. My friends are my family now and I like it better that way.

    Email me if you like.


  • Sirona


    Im glad your life is good now after 25 years out of the borg. It helps to think that after the initial upset, things can return sort of back to "normal" and I *can* make new friends!

    At the moment, things are still a little lonely.


  • teejay

    My, my, my Sirona! What a hottie!!

    And you got balls, too? Damn fine combination. Anything to report on the latest CO's visit? Didja have a meeting with them?

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