There are so many songs that the Watchtower Society says are "bad". They are the ones that hint on sexual immorality, violence, drugs, or that have reference to Devil worship. Or the ones that have swearing in them, which seems to be common these days.
What really gets me is how they find such petty things wrong with songs that they basically want to clean out your whole library and make you listen to Kingdumb S*** all the time. They made a big deal of Led Zeppelin because Jimmy Page is supposedly a devil worshiper. They also make a stink about the Stones for the same reason. Culture Club is bad because Boy George used horse while writing the music. Elton John, all Elton John, is bad because he is gay. They also feel that Michael Jackson, even material before his disassociation in 1987, belongs in the trash since playing his Off the Wall or Thriller material will "support that apostate".
They are also picky with content. A song might have a single obscure reference to sexual immorality. So they want the whole album thrown away. I had a copy of the Doobie Brothers' Touloose Street, with the song Listen to the Music. They wanted that album thrown out because it also has the song Jesus is Just Alright (which was on the back side, and I never played that track anyway). Generally any song with a vague reference to a relationship that could be in sin is "bad". Also, they will view as bad songs that mention other religions even in passing.
There are even lamer excuses. I have heard elsewhere on this board where someone got a copy of Menudo's LP on vacation. This person liked the music, and it reminded him of his vacation (which in the Witless organization are already too scarce). He had to throw it away because too many people were supposedly worshiping Menudo. This person didn't even like the group's appearance--it was the music that was good, and not the group's lifestyle. Still the album had to go in the trash.
Has anyone else had music that their congregation or parents made you throw it away? Perhaps a congregation that wanted to crack down on Britney Spears or Hilary Duff. Or parents coming back from the Grand Boasting Session in summer doing a purge of your CD collection. I wonder if anyone else ever got that feeling that there were 225 songs you could listen to while you were in the Tower.