I am a Southern Baptist The "We" is referring to my religion
I'll answer your questions:
I've noticed many of you that have your own ministry. I'm curious as to what doctrines you teach. Is it "Jesus is Love." and that's it or does it go deeper? If you could, please post your basic beliefs concerning these topics:
Most of the questions you ask are not of the most important. The most important thing is what Jesus did for us and the fact that we are saved by faith alone. (works are only a fruit of our faith -- faith comes first). Eternal life is a free gift. By living a life of faith, it causes you to value the principles of the Bible. If you are living by faith you will live a Godly life. But obeying rules does not come first.... We are not saved by the deeds we do or don't do. . Jesus already paid the penalty for our sins and we acccept that gift of eternal life by living in faith.
1. What happens to a person when they die?
They are in an intermediate state (one we do not know much about other that the spirit is with God) and then at the resurrection, we receive our glorifed bodies and live in heaven (the great crowd is in heaven -- Rev 19:1) All of us get to take advantage of the new heavens and the new earth after the 1,000 years.
2. Who is God and what is his name?
God is a Trinity -- Jehovah, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit
3. Why is there suffering in the world?
God allows it so we can learn lessons -- understand the bad so we can understand the good when we get to heaven. Also it is a conseequence of free will.
4. How did we get here?
God created us.
5. According to the Bible, is it okay to participate in wars and politics?
Jesus did not ever critisize those in the military. In fact he told a soldier to go and do his job honorably. We vote according to who witholds our values.
6. Is the Devil real? If so, where did he come from?
Same belief as JWs only we believe that God knew it was going to happen and wasn't ignorant to the consequences of his actions.
7. According to your religion, is it okay to smoke marijuana?
No -- its against the law.
8. According to your religion, is it okay to have pre-marital sex?
9. According to your religion, how do God feel about homosexuals?
I think that we all have sins we struggle with -- homosexuals are no worse than someone who cheats on their taxes.
10. Does God talk to you personally?
Not audibly. I believe he helps me, answers my prayers and teaches me things.
Thanks for your serious responses.